  • 學位論文


The Strategy Research on the Servitization of Manufacturing: Service-Oriented Business Transformation

指導教授 : 賴明政 黃瑞傑


台灣產業經營面對變化迅速及日趨激烈的競爭環境,又遭受新興國家的崛起的壓力,及國際間紛紛合緃連橫的區域貿易合作等影響,企業必須藉由轉型朝向產品差異化與高附加價值的製造服務化發展。隨著網際網路技術與功能的提及,企業已能藉由數位資訊更了解客戶需求,結合數位化與既有的營運模式的串接,建構更具附加價值的商業模式。植此,本研究以製造服務化之數位轉型為初探,對資訊業、紡織業、印刷業、化妝業及進出貿易業等實務業者進行實地的訪談,並歸納彙整其觀點與作法,萃取其與營運的關聯性與發現,提供實務的建議。 經訪談整理歸納後,發現1.數位轉型是由上而下的決策途徑,而且需要全組織跨部門的溝通協作的合作始有成效。2.面對龐雜的資訊需投入更多的專業人才與時間成本,對轉型初期造成一定的門檻。3.透過數位轉型改變了原有的組織作業流程、員工的行事慣性、以及客戶的體驗,故需建構與確認每一接觸點之產品與服務的反能價值。4.製造服務化的數位轉型的導入與運作,確能帶來組織創新與數位再造,提升營運效率與效能。5.執行數位轉型的變革過程,優化數位服務的錨定與推廣,重新塑造企業數位化的新文化定位,是成就企業永續經營的重要基石。6.企業導入數位轉型後,藉由數位平台聯繫溝通,部門間的協調合作、作業流程更簡易。也確發現客戶的期望與滿意有所提升,交付速度更快且精準。 本研究也提出具體廠商建構數位轉型的實務建議,提供實務業者研擬轉型策略的參考。另也提出歸納彙整的多面向命題,期對未來的量化研究提供研究素材之棉薄貢獻。


In the face rapidly changing and increasingly fierce competitive environment, Taiwan's industrial management enterprises must transform to the manufacturing service oriented development with product differentiation and high added value. With the introduction of the Internet technology and functions, enterprises have been able to use digital information to better understand customer needs, connect with existing business models, and construct more value-added business models. Based on the digital transformation of service-oriented manufacturing, this study conducted field interviews with practitioners in information, textile, printing, cosmetics and international trade industries, and summarized their views and provided practical suggestions. After the interview, it is found that 1. Digital transformation is a top-down decision-making path, which requires the cooperation of cross-departmental communication and collaboration of the whole organization to be effective. 2. In the face of complex information, more professionals and time costs need to be invested, which creates a certain threshold for the early stage of transformation. 3. Digital transformation has changed the original operating process, employee inertia and customer experience, so it is necessary to construct and confirm the reactive value of products and services at each contact point. 4. The introduction and operation of the digital transformation of manufacturing service brings about organizational innovation and digital reengineering, and improves operational efficiency and efficiency. 5. Implementing the process of digital transformation, optimizing the anchoring and promotion of digital services, and reshaping the new cultural positioning of enterprise digitalization are the important cornerstones for achieving sustainable business. This study also provides practical suggestions on how to construct digital transformation for specific firms, and provides references for practical firms to develop transformation strategies. In addition, a multifaceted proposition of induction and integration is proposed to provide research material for future quantitative research.


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