  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Radio Advertising Visualization on Consumer Intention

指導教授 : 李慶長 博士


廣播廣告行銷是否已過時? 一直以來廣播具有可隨時隨地收聽、以聽覺接收資訊,以及可以直播與聽眾互動等特色。隨著串流技術及網路速度發展成熟,越來越多廣播電台透過影音平台做視頻直播節目,例如:Taiwan UFO radio、UK TalkRadio,也就是廣播與影像同步播出。廣播進入數位視覺化時代提供了廣告業者多元行銷管道,品牌露出不再受限於只有聲音廣告及發射頻率地理限制。傳統純音檔的企業專訪及音檔廣告可透過現場直播、錄製、或後製圖像及畫面的輔助轉為影像格式,視覺化呈現企業品牌以提升廣告印象,投放在跨媒體社群平台,例如:Facebook 或YouTube 拓展不同閱聽族群提升廣告觸及率,達到長久保存,方便搜尋分享傳播的行銷效果,提升廣播廣告效益。 本研究以某汽車避震器品牌實際投放在廣播「企業專訪純音檔」廣告為主衍生出「企業專訪影像檔」,透過SOR模型(The Stimulus Organism Response model)為理論基礎來探討閱聽眾接收到此「企業專訪影像檔」對於企業或產品品牌識別度及產品價值的影響,進而願意推薦分享甚或產生購買意圖。最後以結構方程模式(SEM,Structural Equation Modelling )檢驗各構面影響關係之程度,結果發現「廣播廣告影像檔」對「品牌識別」及「產品價值」具有正向顯著影響,影響強度亦高於「純音檔」;「代言人可信度」對於「品牌識別」及「產品價值」的係數數值較高,顯示廣告代言人的知名度可以提升閱聽眾「品牌識別」及「產品價值」度,進而影響閱聽眾「推薦分享」的意願以及產生「購買意圖」的可能性。本研究提供給廣告投放業主廣播廣告執行面可衍生之行銷策略參考,期將廣播廣告效益最大化。


Is broadcast marketing obsolete? One of the advantages of broadcasting has always been that it can interact with listeners in live broadcast. With the maturing of streaming technology and availability of faster internet speeds, more and more radio stations are making live streams --like Taiwan UFO radio, UK TalkRadio, etc. - which synchronize audio and video online. Radio visualization could provide advertisers an alternative for advertising campaigns other than the traditional radio advertising. This means that radio ads are no longer limited to audio advertising and also there are no geographic restrictions caused by the frequency bandwidth. This research would focus on one of the typical radio advertising formats “on air interview” in which advertisers pay stations for airtime to deliver product or services information. Advertisers can shoot video with smartphones in the studio synchronize, by post-production and edit the video “on-air interview” with related images or animation in video format to enhance understanding of. Most important of all, the video format can be uploaded to social media like Facebook or YouTube. This helps to increase brand awareness and maximize the benefits of radio ads. In contrast to the audio format of the radio ads, the video format could be kept longer and made searchable on the internet. Furthermore, video ads can be shared and reposted to other mediums for reaching a greater target audience to boost sales. This is a case study based on SOR model and using structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the effectiveness of radio visualization by exploring the impact of the audience receiving this post-production video on the brand recognition or product value, examining the causal relationships between variables, and to influence audience intention to recommend or increase purchasing intention. The research results show that “ radio visualization” format have a positive and significant impact on " Brand Recognition" and “Product Value “, which is even higher than the “ radio “ format ; In addition to that, according the path coefficient, it shows the “ The Impacts of Spokesperson” on " Brand Recognition" and “Product Value “ is stronger, that means spokesperson reputation could enhance aspects of " Brand Recognition" and “Product Value “ , to influence audience generate the possibilities on “ Sharing information “ and “ Consumer Intention” . This research provides advertisers to set up advertising campaigns to maximize reach by making a series and various of advertisements material that comes from radio ads.


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