  • 學位論文


From trust to see the policy networks development by social capital: compare the Taiwan with China by political and economic development

指導教授 : 曹俊漢 宋學文 呂亞力


全球化的浪潮對許多傳統的統治行為與思維進行結構性的挑戰,單純的政治手段已無法解決來自各方面的衝擊。二十一世紀新的治理思維模式興起,成為未來解決人類問題的新架構,而政策網絡強調治理的績效與目的是當前研究發展的主流思維之一。 本文嘗試以信任為基礎建構社會資本為核心的政策網絡,用來探討政治與經濟績效的面向的問題。經由理論探索、實證研究與個案研究等獲得下列成果。理論探索方面:一、不信任的制衡機制與人際信任關係同時存在民主的政治環境中;二、集體決策行動的可能性有賴信任達成;三、信任是理性的結果,不僅是一種文化,更是一種機制;四、社會資本屬於中立性物質,貪腐行為亦可藉此產生;五、政策網絡將是治理最重要的工具,在全球多元化的挑戰下,讓統治走向治理,朝向以信任為基礎的「善治」邁進。 實證研究方面,本研究得到下列成果:一、中國非民主國家,但因沈默螺旋對自我民主評價高;二、兩岸民眾對經濟發展滿意度不同,大陸評價高,台灣評價低;三、傳統權威文化無法促進經濟發展;四、兩岸民眾都認為政府政策對日常生活的影響小;五、兩岸的民主社會資本仍不足,政治腐敗程度台灣略低於中國。 個案研究方面,本研究得到下列成果:一、中國是台灣最大的貿易伙伴,台灣卻越來越傾向獨立於中國之外,經貿發展無法阻止台灣的分離意識;二、中國有社會信任的問題,台灣有藍綠對立的問題;三、中國只有家族企業的社會資本,台灣則有相當的公民意識的社會資本;四、兩岸矛盾的政經發展:政治越是緊張,經貿交流越是熱烈;五、全球化下的兩岸治理:以無政府的治理擱置政治爭議,建構議題取向的政策網絡。


This dissertation tries to construct a theoretical framework from the basis of trust to the establishment of social capital. Then the study expects to examine the polcy network through the mechanism of interactive cor-relation between trust and social capital. A case study on Taiwan and Mainland China follows to review and compare the performance of polit-ical and economic policy network in order to find out the interactions of trust and social capital in policy functions. Survey data from East Asia Barometer (EAB) is used to verify the relations to be studied. The findings read as follows: (1) The check and balance institution of distrust and people trust take place in the democratic environment si-multaneously, but social capital works vis-à-vis with trust keeping the policy network working; (2) Trust is a ration, a culture, and a simplistic mechanism, making human collective acts meaningful; (3) Social capital is able to be formed from multi-associations of variosu resources leading to the foundation of policy network; (4) By comparative analysis of political and economic networks, Taiwan has much higher standard of per-formance of governance on the use of social capital with a link to trust, while Mainland Chana remains considerably lower; (5) Social capital is one of policy resources assisting the public policy network working, while both Taiwan and Mainland China jointly lack such resources; (6) Taiwan is dividing from Mainland China, although China is the biggest partner with Taiwan in trade; (7) Its a paradox that political conflicts of Taiwan-China are more bust and trade is more boom; (8) Taiwan-China interaction must build policy networks of issues.


trust goverance collective action


丁仁方,2007年6月,〈公民社會與民主政治的相互建構—日本與台灣近年組織性公民社會發展之比較〉,《台灣民主季刊》,4 (2),頁:1-31。
余致力,2006年9月,〈倡廉反貪與民主治理〉,《台灣民主季刊》,3 (3),頁:165-176。
