  • 學位論文


Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Contribution of International Tourists to Taiwan Tourism Industry

指導教授 : 蔡明智


國際旅遊是旅遊業中很重要的部分,國際旅客能給國家帶來很多經濟利益。在國際旅遊業競爭激烈的情形下,臺灣旅遊業如何提供更好的旅遊服務,是一個值得探討的議題。 本研究目的在藉由大數據的分析,了解旅客來臺旅遊的現況,再以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)分析不同目的、不同國家旅客的消費,為臺灣旅遊業帶來的貢獻。 研究結果顯示:(1)針對日本及港澳觀光客,應該加強餐飲、娛樂及交通方面;針對大陸旅客,則需要加强餐飲及娛樂;若要吸引更多韓國旅客來臺旅遊,應該想辦法推廣娛樂的部分。(2)目前娛樂是來台旅客花費最少的部分,未來需改善娛樂方面的節目,提高各國旅客的消費力。(3)針對日本遊客,要強化其在珠寶或玉器類、化妝品或香水類及紀念品或手工藝品類的消費;針對大陸旅客,則要加强在珠寶或玉器類和化妝品或香水類的消費。根據上述結果,本研究亦提出相關建議,供政府相關機構在制定觀光政策時之參考。


旅遊 大數據 資料包絡分析


International tourism is an indispensable and important part in the tourism industry. International travelers can bring a lot of economic benefits to country. Under the fierce competition in the international tourism industry, how Taiwan’s tourism market can provide better tourism services is a topic worth discussing. The main propose of this study is to understand the current situation of the travel of tourists to Taiwan by big data analysis. Then use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to further analyze how the amount of money spent on travel by tourists with different purposes and from different countries contribute to the tourism industry of Taiwan. Results reveal that: (1) For tourists from Japan, Hong Kong, and Macau, we should strengthen catering, entertainment, and transportation. For mainland tourists, we need to strengthen catering and entertainment. To attract more Korean tourists to Taiwan, we should find ways to promote entertainment. (2) Currently travelers to Taiwan spend least money in entertainment. In the future, it is necessary to improve the entertainment programs and increase the spending power of tourists. (3) For Japanese tourists, it is necessary to strengthen their consumption in jewelry, jade, cosmetics or perfumes, and souvenirs or handicrafts; for mainland tourists, it is necessary to strengthen their consumption in jewelry or jade and cosmetics or perfumes. Based on the above results, this study also proposes relevant recommendations as reference for government agencies when formulating tourism policies.


Tourism Big Data Data Envelopment Analysis


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