  • 學位論文


An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing the Improvement of Computer-Aided Diagnostic Systems: The Task-Technology Fit Perspective

指導教授 : 郭光明


背景與目的:隨著衛生福利部中央健康保險署於2016年推動以ICD-10-CM/PCS申報,各家醫院也針對此案開發新版疾病診斷資訊系統。本研究之主要目的為探討醫療從業人員所使用疾病診斷資訊系統功能是否符合其工作需求,亦即找出醫療從業人員所認知疾病診斷資訊系統與其診斷工作是否適配的影響因素,以及兩者間之適配是否能改善醫療從業人員在疾病診斷之績效。 材料與方法:本研究以Goodhue等學者所提出之任務科技適配理論(Task-Technology Fit Theory)為基礎研究提出包括:任務特性、個人特質、資訊品質、介面品質、任務科技適配、績效期望以及心力期望等七個構面,以問卷調查法,透過便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,針對南部某區域醫院之主治醫師、住院醫師、專科護理師與疾病分類人員進行問卷調查。 結果與結論:本研究共發放150份問卷,回收有效問卷118份,回收率達78.7%。資料分析結果顯示個人特質、資訊品質、介面品質會正向影響任務科技適配程度且任務科技適配程度亦正向影響績效期望以及心力期望,意即個案醫院醫療從業人員的個人特質與疾病診斷資訊系統所提供的資訊品質與介面品質讓醫療從業人員認知此資訊系統與其疾病診斷工作達成適配,且任務科技適配有助於疾病診斷工作容易度並提升工作績效。


Background and Purpose: With the Department of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare to promote the ICD-10-CM / PCS declaration in 2016,hospitals develop the new computer-aided diagnostic systems. The study aimed to investigate whether computer-aided diagnostic systems fulfill the task requirements of healthcare professionals.More specifically, the study aimed to explore factors that impact the improvement of fit between computer-aided diagnostic systems and diagnostic tasks of healthcare professionals. Further, whether task-technology fit improved the performance of diagnostic tasks of healthcare professionals was also verified. Materials and Methods: Based on the Task-Technology Fit Theory, this study proposed a research model comprising seven dimensions including Task Characteristics, Individual Characteristics, Information Quality,User Interface Quality,Task-Technology Fit, Performance Expectancy, and Effort Expectancy. Survey methodology including attending physicians, resident physicians, physician assistants, and disease classification specialists from a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Results and Conclusions: In this study, 150 questionnaires were distributed, 118 valid questionnaires were recovered, the recovery rate was 78.7%. Data analysis showed that Individual Characteristics, Information Quality, User Interface Quality will positively affect the degree of ask-Technology Fit and ask-Technology Fit also positive impact Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. Healthcare professionals Individual Characteristics and the technology characteristics of diagnostic systems including Information Quality and User Interface Quality significantly predicted the fit between computer-aided diagnostic systems and diagnostic tasks. The fit between computer-aided diagnostic systems and diagnostic tasks can be improved, and the effectiveness and efficiency of the diagnostic tasks of healthcare professionals can thus be enhanced.


Diagnose ICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM/PCS Task-Technology Fit


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