  • 學位論文


Research on Risk Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Management System in a Naval Repair Factory

指導教授 : 陳俊益


海軍修護工廠特別重視所屬員工及委外供應商的健康管理與工作安全議題,工廠的穩定運作,全有賴於全體員工的辛苦及工程外包商協助才能達成。因此,無論是維修人員或是委託的承攬廠商,均按照工廠安全衛生規定及相關法令,執行各項工作安全措施,保障相關人員的工作安全,以提供健康優質的工作環境為訴求。並成立「勞工安全衛生委員會」,作為與勞工互動及法規的溝通平台,並由軍階少將之廠長擔任主任委員,相關一級單位處長、二級單位主任及工會代表等擔任委員,透過協調及溝通,提升勞資雙方對安全衛生的共識。並依作業需求制訂各項檢查表及作業前、中、後查核表,俾利強化風險管理,以維人員安全及機具裝備妥善,建構一良好工作環境,增加維修裝備之效率。 本研究結果係依海軍修護工廠自推展OHSAS 18001職安衛管理系統以來,依各修艦場所及使用機具,邀集工作經驗超過十五年勞工及工場領班,依工作經驗律定高風險作業表,加強風險管控,用以預防職業災害產生,並明確說明雇主及承包商應盡責任,並對各職災發生後以通報方式要求各主管從事相關作業時須注意之風險,故自推行以來,不管國軍各精實專案之推行,各職災所發生機率確實降低,確實提高修艦效率。




The Navy repair factory pays special attention to the health management and work safety issues of its employees and subcontractors. The stable operation of the factory depends on the hard work of all employees and the assistance of engineering outsourcing providers. Therefore, both the maintenance personnel and the commissioned contractor are required to implement various work safety measures in accordance with the factory safety and health regulations and relevant laws and regulations, to ensure the safety of the relevant personnel, and to provide a healthy and quality working environment. And set up the "Labor Safety and Health Committee" as a communication platform for labor interaction and regulations, and the director of the rank of Major General, as the chairman, the relevant first-level unit director, the second-level unit director and the trade union representative, etc. Communicate to improve the consensus of both employers and employees on safety and health. According to the operation requirements, we will formulate various checklists and checklists before, during and after the operation, and strengthen the risk management to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment, to construct a good working environment and increase the efficiency of maintenance equipment. The results of this research are based on the OHSAS 18001 occupational safety and health management system. According to the repair sites and the use of machinery, we have collected more than 15 years of labor and workshop foreman, and set high-risk work schedules according to work experience. Strengthen risk management and control to prevent occupational disasters, and clearly explain the responsibilities of employers and contractors, and the risks that should be paid attention to by the supervisors in the manner of notification after the occurrence of various occupational disasters. The implementation of the various national elite projects, the probability of occurrence of various occupational disasters has indeed decreased, and indeed improve the efficiency of ship repair.




