  • 學位論文


A Study on the Stakeholder's Functional Requirements Of Military Disaster Prevention and Response Information Management System

指導教授 : 陳秀如


近年因全球氣候異常,其所衍生出的複合式災害,頻率激增,範圍與災損亦日益擴大,臺灣地區位於西太平洋颱風常經之路徑上,屢因颱風的侵襲而發生災害,綜觀從近年來台灣多次的災變,已多次嚴重威脅國人的生命、財產及居住的安全。因次政府在98年莫拉克風災後,即宣示災害防救工作是國軍的核心任務之一,基於救災任務的需要及累積歷次災害防救任務的經驗,國防部在99年間就開發了「國軍救災資源管理系統」使用迄今,針對平時災害防救整備及執行救災任務時所需的各項車輛、機具、裝備、物資等作全般有效率的管理;唯在救災兵力申請、救災任務管理及成果回報作業方面,卻依然維持著傳統作業模式,採用人工、紙本、電話聯繫、傳真等方式。 還好受惠於現今科技的進步,各種先進的通訊、資訊手段、設備也被執行人員自發性地運用在任務執行的過程當中,然而因未能全般整合,無法發揮最大的效益,因此為了能有效提升災防任務申請、訊息回報傳遞、需求核定、救災任務部隊編組、派遣、任務管制、成果回報等時效,本研究透過現行災防相關法令規定內容、國軍現行作業程序及國軍各級部隊實際執行救災任務人員之訪談建議,建立與定義出「國軍救災任務管理系統」所應具備之功能。其次運用統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)圖示標記技巧,建立此一系統之使用案例圖及情節描述。希冀藉由研究結果提供「國軍救災任務管理」資訊系統開發之參考。


The frequency of disasters generated by global climate anomalies in recent years increases rapidly. The scope and damage of disasters also expand. Taiwan is located in the paths of most west Pacific typhoons, so this area is often attacked by typhoons. As we can see, many catastrophes in Taiwan threat the safety of lives, property and residence of Taiwan people. Therefore, after the Morakot Typhoon disaster in 2009, the government had declared disaster prevention and relief as the core mission of the military. Based on disaster relief missions and accumulated experience, the Ministry of National Defense has developed the “Military Disaster Prevention and Response Information Management System” in 2010. The system empowers the management in vehicles, equipment, and materials for disaster relief efficiently. However, it has not allowed the application of military force, relief missions management, and the feedback of relief yet. These processes can only be done through traditional mode of manual operations, such as paper work, telephone contact, fax and other methods. In spite that various advanced communication system, information tools, and equipment have been used for these processes, these processes have not been integrated in the system yet. The situation causes the problems in efficiency. To improve the efficiency for disaster relief, this study is therefore motivated to analyze the requirements for these processes and propose the system design of Military Disaster Relief Management System for these processes based on Unified Modeling Language (UM). The results of the study can provide references for the following development and implementation of the system.


田力品(2015)災害防救法架構下國軍任務賦予法理評析,軍法專刊,第61卷第4 期·
