  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Stress and Coping Behaviors of Nurse Caring for Patient with New Corona Virus Pneumonia

指導教授 : 丘周萍


背景及重要性:新型冠狀病毒性肺炎的爆發和衝擊,於全球各地帶來經濟的動盪、社會的不安,世界各地進行大規模的防疫措施,居家隔離檢疫,造成醫護人員大規模的離職,產生人力的不足、職業生涯的變化、因而造成了莫大的壓力及因應等問題。 研究目的:隨著確診率的上升及醫療資源的耗盡,促使研究人員對護理人員照護此類病人時的壓力與因應之經驗進行訪談及分析,期望此經驗能協助日後之醫療人員的壓力及不確定感得到因應及調適。 研究方法:本研究為質性研究深度訪談,收集十位護理人員照護此類病人之經驗,並將訪談稿內容加以分析,透過與研究對象的互動探討其行為、語言及非語言之意義,以探討經驗為目的。 研究結果:根據文獻查證及受訪者之經驗與感受,歸納出四個主題為「過去累積的經驗,只為了蓄勢待發,對抗疾病的下一刻」、「同儕的鼓勵和支持,困苦中仍然堅守崗位,永不放棄」、「面對醫療資源缺乏,環境的艱難,仍堅持到底」、「川流不息的確診人數,陪伴病人的橫亙旅程」。 結論/實務應用:研究的發現及結果,可以提供及瞭解臨床照顧新型冠狀病毒性肺炎病人之護理人員,心理壓力之依據,因應過程之調適。


新型冠狀病毒 壓力 因應


Background: The outbreak and impact of novel coronavirus pneumonia have brought economic turmoil and social unrest around the world. Large-scale epidemic prevention measures have been implemented globally, and in-house isolation and quarantine have caused large-scale resignation of medical staff, resulting in shortage of human resources. The change of career has caused great pressure and coping problems. Research purpose: With the increase in the diagnosis rate and the exhaustion of medical resources, researchers are prompted to review and analyze the pressure and experience of nursing staff in caring for such patients. We hope that this experience will help in responding and adjusting to the pressure and uncertainty of medical staff in the future. Research Method: This research is a qualitative in-depth interview. We collected the experiences of 10 nurses caring for such patients; analyzed the content of the interview manuscript; and explored their behavior, language, and non-verbal meaning through interaction with the research object. Research results: Based on a literature review and the interviewees’ experiences and feelings, the four themes identified are summarized as follows: “the accumulated experience in the past is just to gain momentum and fight for the next moment of the disease,” “colleague encouragement and support help medical staff to stick to their positions, never giving up,” “facing a lack of medical resources and the difficulties of the medical environment, stick to the end,” “the changing number of confirmed cases accompanies the patient’s journey.” Conclusion/practical application: The findings and results of the research can help nursing staff who are clinically caring for patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia, by understanding the basis for psychological pressure and the adjustment of the response protocol.


New corona virus Stress Coping


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