  • 學位論文


The Charisma of Group Buying:The Moderating role of Social Motivation

指導教授 : 陳怡穆


近年來,由於網路購物風氣漸漸興盛,消費者希望藉由群體同時消費,以達到降低 售價之目的,因而產生了「團購網站」的風潮。本研究探討使用者於團購網站購物時, 會受到哪些因素之影響,交易人氣、折扣深度、社交動機是否存在影響消費者的購買意圖。 研究方法採用便利性抽樣方式進行,以網路問卷調查進行資料蒐集,共計發放 240 份,回收 204 份有效問卷;以多因子變異數分析等方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示: 社交動機會加強商品折扣深度對團購購買意圖間的正向影響,但不會加強商品交易人氣 對團購購買意圖間的正向影響。因此本研究認為加強團購網站中之社交互動,搭配一定之折扣深度,可有效提升使用者之購買意願,藉此促進團購網站相關產業之發展。


Recently, due to the increasing popularity of online shopping, customers want to group with other people who want to buy the same thing online with them in order to get the lower price. Thus, group buying becomes the new fashion. The study probes what factors can significantly influence online group shopping, including deal popularity, discount rate, and social motivation. The study adopted convenience sampling and online-survey to collect questionnaires. Moreover, two hundred and forty questionnaires were collected and two hundred and four of them were valid. According to ANOVA analysis. The study shows social motivation has a positive correlation between the discount of an product and customers' purchase intention, but not between the popularity of a product and customers' purchase intention. Therefore our study believes by strengthening social networking will have a positive effect on customers' purchase intention, hence improves the development of group purchasing and related industries.


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