  • 學位論文


A Study on Discarded Ammunition Demilitarization Transition to Circular Economy Strategy

指導教授 : 鄧穎懋 李秀玲


各國因應戰備須儲存大量彈藥,戰備彈藥經久儲逾壽限變質報廢或武器更新而汰除舊型彈藥成為廢彈,對於廢彈處理各國自有其策略。少數以「最終銷燬策略」將彈藥銷燬完全不回收,造成多方損失。多數國家以循環經濟概念,落實廢彈可用資源回收再利用,創造軍方、企業、社會多贏局面。 國內每年數千噸廢彈委外處理,均要求「最終處理」,把高價值且高穩定性的火炸藥焚燒,承包商執行廢彈燒燬每年支出千萬元的燃料費,燃燒熱能也沒有利用,造成多層次的浪費,使軍方、企業、社會均未蒙利。 國外運用循環經濟模式處理廢彈,將高性能的火炸藥回收,並將高價的金屬配件保留完整,回收用以製造新彈藥,創造廢彈的邊際效益。因此,大幅節約國防預算,又減少燃料耗用,降低碳排放量及溫室氣體的製造,對環境與社會經濟更友善,創造多贏局面。 本研究透過文獻探討,把各種廢彈處理回收的理論與文獻搜整歸納,分析各種方案之可行性,再透過網路蒐集各國官方公開資料及企業官網資訊,驗證國外的廢彈處理導入循環經濟之案例,都能創造極高的附加價值,本研究所蒐集諸多成功個案,均能創造超過數百萬美元的附加效益。 最後,為求本研究論述客觀,針對國內廢彈處理導入循環經濟的策略,透過專家問卷調查、腦力激盪與分析,歸納導出結論與建議,期能提供軍方及相關企業後續策略規劃參考,創造多贏。


Most countries are storing large quantities of ammunition due to their readiness for combat. After the ammunition expires, it is degraded or scrapped, or the ammunition is replaced by the weapon discarded. Each country has its own treatment strategy for discarded ammunition. Fewer countries conduct demilitarization by "final destruction strategy", which burn out everything without recycle, this cause multiple losses. Most countries regard the concept of circular economy, which implementing discarded ammunition for recycling and reuse of resources to make“win-win situation”for the military, business, and society. Thousands tons of domestic discarded ammunition are demilitarized by outsourcing enterprise annually, which were requested "final processing disposal" to incinerated all high stability, high-quality and high-value explosive. As to doing so, the contractors must to pay ten millions NTD of fuel costs. However, combustion heat which comes from burning explosive did not make optimum utilization, which made the military, business and society unprofitable. Foreign countries use of circular economy mode to deal with discarded ammunition. They carried out by recycling, recovery and re-used of explosives and metal parts as newer ammunition manufacturing resources. That creates the marginal benefits of discarded ammunition by saving significant defense budget; reduce fuel consumption, decrease carbon emissions and greenhouse gas production, which friendlier to the environment and social economy. This can create a multiple win-win situation. This study begins with the literature research to collect the theories and information about discarded ammunition disposal and recycling options. Then to implement the research by collecting different country’s official public information and corporate official website information through the Internet. When the study integrate and analyze all of secondary data were found, we can make sure "Foreign country’s use of circular economy mode to deal with discarded ammunition" make more profit than "Domestic final processing to dispose discarded ammunition". After calculate the foreign cases additional value they made more than millions US dollar/ each case. Finally, I hope the results of this study will be an objectiveness dissertation about "domestic discarded ammunition future processing transition to circular economy strategy", by the way of expert questionnaire, brainstorming and inductive analysis to present the conclusion and recommendations. I wish this is good to provide ROC military and related companies as follow-up strategic planning reference, which deal discarded ammunition demilitarization transition to circular economy strategy to make win-win situation.


許瓊華、陳冠瑜,循環經濟--產業須展新思維,工研院產業經濟與趨勢研究中心,工商時報 ,2017年10月15日。
