  • 學位論文


Satisfaction Survey of High technology imagings for Cancer Screening -Case Study of PET/CT on One Medical Center

指導教授 : 吳傳春


現今台灣在預防保健政策癌症篩檢,目前僅針對口腔癌、乳癌、子宮頸癌及大腸癌做篩檢,無法滿足國人對於癌症篩檢的需求,進而轉向自費做檢查,因此自費醫療成為新的商機,各醫療院所紛紛成立健檢中心,並且積極推動健康檢查業務。本研究所探討的正子斷層造影PET/CT高科技影像診斷技術,在偵測早期惡性腫瘤、對惡性腫瘤分期、轉移及追蹤有極好的檢查效果。此外,過去台灣關於國人選擇PET/CT做為癌症篩檢、檢查後滿意度及回檢意願較少有相關研究,因此本研究擬以自編結構式問卷作為主要研究工具,以高雄市某醫學中心為例,分析探討選擇自費正子造影癌症篩檢之因素、不同人口變項的受檢者,對使用自費癌症篩檢服務滿意度及是否願意再回檢等分析結果。 研究結果發現:1.醫療中心環境設施品質及醫護人員服務品質會影響受檢者的滿意度,受檢者滿意度可以做為服務品質高低之指標。2.受檢者滿意度影響回檢意願程度及口碑效果。因本研究探討的對象為南部某公立醫學中心之受檢者,其經營理念可能與其他地區、民營醫院有所不同,需要靠後人繼續精進研究。最後提出相關建議,提供後續執行正子造影檢查醫療服務品質管理之參考,以提昇自費市場競爭力。


Currently, Taiwan’s cancer screening is a preventive health care policy. At present, it only screens for oral cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer, which cannot meet the needs of Chinese people for cancer screening. It turns to self-funded inspections. Therefore, self-funded medical care has become a new one. For business opportunities, various medical institutions have established health check-up centers and actively promoted the health check-up business. The PET/CT high-tech imaging diagnostic technology discussed in this research has excellent results in detecting early malignant tumors, staging, metastasis and tracking of malignant tumors. In addition, in the past, Taiwanese people chose PET/CT for cancer screening, satisfaction after examination, and willingness to return examinations. Therefore, this study intends to use self-compiled structured questionnaires as the main research tool. As an example, the center analyzes and explores the factors of choosing self-funded angiography cancer screening, the subjects of different demographic variables, the satisfaction of using self-funded cancer screening services and whether they are willing to return to the test and other analysis results. The results of the study found that: 1. The quality of the environmental facilities of the medical center and the service quality of medical staff will affect the satisfaction of the examinee, and the satisfaction of the examinee can be used as an indicator of the quality of service. 2. The subject's satisfaction affects the willingness to return to the test and the effect of word of mouth. Because the subject of this study is a subject in a public medical center in the south, its business philosophy may be different from that of other regions and private hospitals, and it is necessary for future generations to continue diligent research. Finally, relevant suggestions are provided to provide a reference for the follow-up implementation of the quality management of the positron radiography examination medical service, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the self-funded market.


2.王智瑩、陸鳳屏(2018)。大腸直腸癌篩檢於老年人之應用。台灣老年醫學暨老年學雜誌,13(1),13- 27。doi:10.29461/TGG.201802_13(1).0002
