  • 學位論文


A Study of the Attitudes toward Internet Friendship and Interpersonal Relationship of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 吳佳純


本研究主旨在於瞭解高雄地區國中學童網路交友態度與人際關係現況及影響,並且比較探討不同背景變項在網路交友及人際關係之差異。本研究採問卷調查法進行研究,以高雄地區五甲國中七、八、九年級為研究對象,研究問卷於2014年9月1日至9月30日發放及回收,共計發出450份問卷,有效問卷為430份,有效回收率為96%。將所得資料以SPSS18.0 進行資料分析,藉由分析實證資料進行研究假設之驗證,本研究採用敘述性統計、信效度分析、迴歸分析、T檢定及單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。茲將假設分析結果摘要如下: 一、在現實人際關係中與父母的關係愈不好時或與師長的關係、與現實生活朋友同學的的關係愈好時對網路交友的態度趨於正向。 二、網路交友的態度越趨於正向時,與網友的人際關係滿意度愈高,表示網路人際關係也愈好。 三、網路交友的態度會對現實人際關係與網路上的人際關係產生完全中介效果。 四、依整體層面而言男生對網路交友的態度以及網路的環境層面上比女生正向。


The research aims at understanding the situation of online friend-making and the effect it has on interpersonal relationships of junior high school students in Kaohsiung area. The study is carried out through questionnaires which set students in their 7th, 8th and 9th grades in Wu Chia Junior High School in Kaohsiung area as targets, and the questionnaires were distributed on September 1st and collected on September 30th. 450 questionnaires were distributed, 430 were returned, excluding ineffective ones, recording an effective response rate of 96%. SPSS18.0 was used to perform data analysis. Through analyzing empirical data, the study validate the assumptions by adopting descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, regression analysis, T-test and one-way ANOVA to carry out the analysis. The results are summarized as below: 1. In “interpersonal relationships in reality” field, weaker the “relationships with parents”, higher the tendency in responding positively towards “online friends-making”; Stronger the “interpersonal relationships with teachers” and the “interpersonal relationships with friends and classmates”, higher the tendency in responding positively towards “online friends-making.” 2. Higher tendency in responding positively towards “online friends-making”, the higher the satisfaction of “interpersonal relationships among cyber friends”, it means the better relationships online is. 3. After adding the mediator variable “attitude over online friends-making”, the relationships between “interpersonal relationships in reality” and “relationship between cyber friends” becomes weaker which leads to the assumption that the “attitudes towards online friends-making” among junior high school students will generate mediation effect on “interpersonal relationships in reality” and “interpersonal relationships online”. 4. Generally speaking, boys incline to be more positive towards online friends-making than girls; they are more positive towards “online environment” aspect, so to speak.


王鍾和 (2001)。網路交友,學生輔導,77,72-77。
台北市少年輔導委員會(2000) 。台北市少年網路交友行為之研究。台北市:台北市少年輔導委員會。


