  • 學位論文


Effect of blood donation behavior – Based on Planed Behavior Theory

指導教授 : 羅英瑛


依據Ajzen(1985)提出計畫行為理論(TPB)為基礎,本研究提出包含人口特質、態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、捐血相關知識及贈品贈送等六個構面,探究影響民眾之捐血行為及因素。採問卷調查法,以便利抽樣進行問卷發放,發放對象為高雄市地區一般民眾為研究對象,年齡為20歲~65歲為主要收案對象,共收得665份問卷。 研究結果顯示,性別會顯著影響到民眾的不定期捐血行為、年齡對於想嘗試捐血及不定期捐血行為有顯著影響、捐血經驗對於想嘗試捐血及不定期捐血行為有顯著影響、主觀規範僅對於定期捐血行為有顯著影響、態度-捐血價值僅對於定期捐血行為有顯著影響、負面態度對於想嘗試捐血及不定期捐血行為有顯著影響、態度-認同與成就感對於想嘗試捐血、不定期捐血及定期捐血有顯著影響、態度-需求認同對於三種捐血行為皆無顯著影響、知覺行為控制對於想嘗試捐血、不定期捐血及定期捐血有顯著影響、贈品認知對於三種捐血行為皆無顯著影響、捐血知識-相關流程對於想嘗試捐血及不定期捐血行為有顯著影響、捐血知識-身體狀況對於三種捐血行為皆無顯著影響。 由研究中結果可得知加強捐血活動之宣導、改善捐血觀念及捐血服務人員態度、捐血行為之主觀規範倡導、加強捐血相關知識宣導等改善方式,皆有助於提升民眾捐血意願及提升捐血率。


The objective of this research is exploring the influential factors of blood donation behavior. Research framework based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) which concerned with six concepts: Population Characteristics, Attitude, Subjective norm, Actual Control, Blood donation knowledge and Premiums awareness of importance. This cross-sectional quantitative research gathered data with questionnaires. In total, 665 persons who are 20-65 years old and live in Kaohsiung area participanted in this research. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Age, the experience of lood donation, the negative attitudes, Attitude facets-recognition and accomplishment, Actual Control,Blood donation knowledge-related processes significantly affected the intention to trying blood donation. 2. The experience of Blood donation, Attitude facets-recognition and accomplishment, Actual Control, Blood donation knowledge-related processes significantly affected the intention to donate blood irregularly. 3. Subjective norms, no less than Blood donation value, Attitude facets-recognition and accomplishment, Actual Control significantly affected the intention to donate blood regularly. According to the results, enhanced the propaganda and knowledge of blood donation, adjusted the concept and service attitude of blood donation can increase the intention to donate blood and increasing the ratio on blood donation.


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