  • 學位論文


The fit relationship between business strategy, knowledge management strategy, information technology strategy, and human resource management strategy

指導教授 : 陳岳陽


組織內不同資源的配適 (fit or alignment) 問題一直以來為管理者與實務界相當重視的議題。許多實證結果顯示,組織效能增加的趨動力即為內部結構、策略相關因素的內在一致性配適。因此,組織內、外在 (internal and external) 的策略配適不僅有助於組織基礎建設的潛在功能之提昇,並會對組織績效產生正面的影響。相反地,配適失調 (misfit) 則會對組織的運作造成失能,形成成本的增加與流程的延遲,更是組織績效下滑的重要原因。  近來,已發展出不少的架構,試圖解釋並釐清IT/IS與組織策略間的關係。在知識管理的範疇中,大家雖都體認到資訊科技在知識管理活動中所扮演角色的重要性,但其間的配適關係仍少有實證研究加以論證與定調。且亦有研究指出,為達組織績效有效地提升,光是將資訊科技的利用加以搭配知識管理策略的運行是不足的,因為成功的知識管理專案,除了得有效利用資訊科技工具為輔助外,組織管理、流程、人力資源亦為知識管理活動的重要促成因子。另一方面,許多組織在制定企業目標與方針時,會以企業之整體策略為圭臬,再依此融入其他相關資源與策略的制定中,以使組織運作能因各資源的一致性而並道而馳。因此,基於知識管理策略與其他相關策略應共同調準 (co-align) 的重要性,以及為驗證並強化配適效果存在的合理性,本研究透過整體性觀點 (holistic perspective) 中的共變異模型(fit as covariation)與構型離差模型(fit as profile deviation)等不同策略配適之觀點加以分析及驗證本研究所提出的「整合性的知識管理策略配適模式」。  本研究以台灣企業為抽樣對象,加以驗證本研究所提出的策略配適模式。研究結果顯示,經由不同方法的交叉驗證後,確立並證實「企業策略」、「知識管理策略」、「資訊科技策略」與「人力資源管理策略」四個構念之策略配適對企業績效之影響效果。


Since knowledge has been regarded as a critical strategic resource for organizations, it is important to know about how to manage and integrate various kinds of resources effectively that are bestead to knowledge. Recently, the importance of the information technology (IT) for effective KM activities has been indicated. The alignment of IT and KM is an important concern for executives. However, their high-high fit doesn’t always yield positive organizational outcome since enough exceptions indicate that business strategy and knowledge management strategy, as well as human resource management strategy are interdependent that must be integrated as a whole. Consequently, a linkage of effective IT strategy and KM strategy that are consistent with business strategy and HRM strategy is the key to reduce costs, which in turn, a higher performance achieved. Drawing on the concept of strategic alignment, this present research proposed a integrated KM strategic alignment model in the MIS area within which business strategy, HRM strategy, KM strategy, and IT strategy are coexisted. The perspectives of fit as covariation and profile deviation were employed to test the hypothesis and identify the effects of strategic alignment. We contend that the strategic alignment among these four strategies is contribution to business performance. According to the empirical data collected from manufacturing, service, and financial industry in Taiwan, meaningful findings and conclusions will be proposed and discussed.


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