  • 學位論文


The Study of Long-Term Care Industries Cope with Financial Reform Through the Long-Term Care Policy

指導教授 : 李樑堅


因應高齡化時代的來臨,台灣長照要求日益迫切重要,但正式的照護使用比例卻是相當的低,以2011年而言,約7個15-64歲人口可支撐一個老人,預估到2060年只剩下1.3人。2011年需要照顧者中只有22.6%使用過正式的長照服務,其餘皆由家屬或外籍看護工照顧,而政府推行的「長照十年計畫」,真的對這些人有所幫助呢,還是繼續加速增加國家財政赤字,所以本研究將以問卷調查方式,來了解長照從業人員的實際感受狀況。 本研究問卷於2017年9月採取便利抽樣方式發放,共75份問卷給高雄市長照機構之從業人員進行填寫,總計回收61份,整體回收率為81%;受訪者大多數為女性工作者,主要年齡層在51歲以上,婚姻狀態多數已婚,大部分擔任的職務是第一線機構照顧與居家服務的工作人員,學歷幾乎是高中職(含)以下,年資多為第1-滿5年;另外針對「財源變化」與「政策變化」的五大構面進行變異數分析,結果發現除了年齡對財務變化項目構面有顯著外,其餘皆不顯著,主要原因可能來自於政府的施政宣導措施不恰當,導致民眾不能夠瞭解政策的具體內容與規劃。 根據統計結果,可以推論出一般民眾對於長期照顧法案的施行推動,可能是不太放在心上,甚至並不是很了解其內容,或可能只對某些特定項目的財源改變感到有興趣,致使第一線長照服務人員沒辦法明確了解長期照顧的流程與運作模式,所以無法透過長照服務人員提供的政策反饋給需要被照顧者的家屬。


Long-term care is more and more important, but the lowest utilization of it in this aging society of Taiwan. In 2011, it about seven 15-64-year-olds can support an elderly person not only the utilization of long-term care is 22.6%, foreign caregiver be chosen of the others, but also left 1.3 men can do this in prediction in 2060. The 10-year long-term care 2.0 plan is helpful or not for these person, fiscal deficit is rising still. In the light of this problem, we try to understand the real feeling of long term caregivers by questionnaire survey. The samples were gathered by convenience sampling for long-term care facility’s employee in September 2017, and the response rate is 81% that 75 questionnaires collected 61 questionnaires. The most respondents were married female at the age of 51, education of senior high school or vocational high school, 1-5 years of seniority, and the employee of long-term care facility and resident care attendant. The analysis of variance in five aspects of variety of financial resource and variety of policy. The results showed that age has significant effect on aspect of variety of financial resource, and none of the rest. The meaning is policy announced by inappropriate way, and people didn’t understand the full content and planning. According to the results, we reason out that long-term caregivers can’t understand the process and operation was caused by people didn’t care about the policy. And it makes the policy couldn’t feedback to the family members of patients.


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