  • 學位論文


A Study on the Labor Lacking Factors of Aluminum Smelting Industry

指導教授 : 李樑堅 張志雄


我國鋁產業種類繁多,其產(成)品一向為國計民生所必需,而上游負責供應原料的鋁熔煉業,即在該產業中扮演著舉足輕重的關鍵角色。然而,鋁熔煉業目前面臨嚴重的缺工問題,難以獲得穩定適任的勞工夥伴,以致該產業發展遭遇前所未有之挑戰。因此,如何探討其缺工因素,進而擬定相關的勞工聘任作法,有其研究之必要。 基於上述體認,本研究除進行文獻回顧外,亦透過問卷調查、深度訪談及參與式觀察,以了解資方與勞方(含從業人員及求職者)對於鋁熔煉業缺工之認知情形,及釐清雙方可能因立場不同所出現的認知歧異,進而深入分析鋁熔煉業缺工之結構性與根本性問題。本研究結果發現,勞、資雙方均認為,面對高齡化、少子女化之挑戰及我國勞動人口產生結構性的不足,造成產業全面性的缺工,加上整體教育水準提升及社會價值觀改變,年輕人偏好一般事務性及服務性工作,從事傳統製造業之意願較低,對於辛苦、汙穢、危險的鋁熔煉業更是避之唯恐不及,即使資方願意支付合理薪資徵才,大多數受訪的求職者仍表示不願從事相關行業。再者,由於勞資雙方對鋁熔煉業發展性之認知存在相當程度落差,以致資方未能主動進行產業升級、有效提升產業競爭力,加上政府未能重視,相關輔導、配套不足,皆導致勞方對於從事鋁熔煉業之發展性抱持悲觀看法,凡此種種對該產業缺工情形無異雪上加霜。 鑒此,本研究針對鋁熔煉業缺工現象背後所隱含之問題,研擬解決對策如下:(一)短程建議放寬鋁熔煉業可聘請外勞之比例,有效紓緩該產業現下所面臨嚴重缺工的燃眉之急;(二)中程建議業者改善工作環境、進行人才培訓,再輔以政府之獎勵及補助措施,加速產業升級,提升徵才之誘因機制,並透過建教合作,儲備優質人力資源,提供學生未來就業多元選擇,創造資方與勞方雙贏局面;(三)長程建議政府重視高職教育之功能定位,並有效提高國內生育率,解決我國勞動人口老化的嚴重問題。


A variety of products are produced by the aluminum industry in Taiwan, and those semi-finished and finished products are essential to the national economy and the people’s livelihood. The upstream aluminum melting plants that supply the raw materials play a key role in the industry. However, the aluminum melting plants are faced with the serious problem of the labor shortage. At a high turnover rate, the aluminum melting industry encounters unprecedented challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors leading to the labor shortage, and to formulate the advisable employment policies. Based on the above, this study conducted literature review, questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, and participant observation, in order to find out the perception of the employers and the employees (including the jobholders and the applicants) on the labor shortage confronting the aluminum melting industry. This study identified the disputes between the two sides that may arise from the different standpoints, and further probed into the structural and fundamental reasons for the labor shortage mentioned. Both the employers and the employees believe that facing the challenges of ageing society, low birth rate, and the structural workforce shortage in Taiwan, there is overall labor shortage in the industry. Moreover, there are also problems of enhanced educational level, changes of social values, preference of office or service jobs by the young generation, and low willingness of working in the manufacturing industry, especially the aluminum melting industry that offers hard, dirty, and dangerous jobs. As a result, even if the employers offer a reasonable salary, most job applicants are not interested in this industry. Furthermore, there is a wide gap between the employers and the employees in understanding the development of the aluminum melting industry. The employers are not active in the industrial upgrading, and also fail to improve their industrial competitiveness effectively. The government has been neglecting the industry, without providing proper guidance and support. Consequently, the employees feel pessimistic about the industry’s development. Due to the above reasons, the labor shortage in the industry is very serious. In order to address the problems behind the labor shortage in the aluminum melting industry, the following solutions are proposed: (1) in the short term, it is suggested that the manufacturers employ more foreign laborers, in order to alleviate the stress of the present labor shortage; (2) in the medium term, it is suggested that the manufacturers improve the work environment, provide employee trainings, offer governmental rewards and subsidies, accelerate the industrial upgrading, improve the employment incentive mechanism, develop excellent human resources through cooperative education, provide the graduating students with multiple options, and create a win-win situation for both the employers and the employees; (3) in the long term, it is suggested that the government should attach importance to the functional location of the higher vocational education, increase the birth rate, and solve the serious problem of aging workers.


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