  • 學位論文


Research on fitness of police officers in regular training

指導教授 : 劉鴻陞 林志學


警察實施術科訓練,目的即在於教導員警具備各項執勤技能,以因應警察各項勤務需要,並保持最佳體能狀態,以提升員警在執勤過程中之危機意識及生存能力,俾使警察人員能有更多存活機會及反擊能力。然我國警察術訓練制度,雖然已實施超過30年,且每年各警察機關亦編列龐大經費執行此項工作,惟各警察機關及相關學術單位,未曾對體能訓練做詳細的評估,以致無從瞭解現行體能訓練,是否能確實滿足員警任務需求及保障執勤安全。 在這人權高漲、治安複雜及犯罪多元化的21世紀,我國警察體能術科訓練,須因應時代潮流進行變革,且針對員警個人基本資料的特質,因材施教,提升員警學習興趣,使每一個警察均能發揮所長,面對新世紀各項勤務的挑戰,並提供民眾更優質服務品質。 本研究欲從學術與實務等多元層面探討我國警察常年訓練體能訓練執行之成效。其步驟係由研究者參酌國內外相關文獻,結合學術與警政實務界之看法,進而研擬訪談大綱,並以該問卷對保安警察第五總隊之不同性別、年齡、工作性質、職稱階級等七位警察人員加以施測,藉以得知渠等對警察體能訓練所持觀點、意見及差異性,復加以整合,以期供作日後術科訓練變革之參考。 研究發現,現行警察常年訓練體能訓練規劃方面,在「常訓時間的安排」、「八小時的訓練時數」、「體能(跑步)訓練」等方面滿意度偏低,該項訓練已面臨變革時機。 在術科訓練規劃上認為應加強體能多元模式等課程,幫助員警實現對常年訓練中體能的多元需求,達成執行勤務的訓練成效;在術科訓練執行上障礙因素為勤務太繁重無力負荷、強迫參加沒有選擇空間、訓練徒具形式未能學以致用。以上研究發現均可提供各警察機關訓練主管單位作為未來常年訓練變革的重要參考。


The purpose of the police training is to instruct the police to have various dutyskills in order to meet the police's various service needs and maintain the best physical condition, so as to enhance the crisis awareness and survivability of the police during the duty, and to enable the police personnel. Can have more chances of survival and counterattack. However, although the police training system in China has been in operation for more than 30 years, and every year the police agencies have compiled huge funds to carry out this work, the police agencies and relevant academic institutions have not conducted detailed assessments of physical training, so that they cannot understand the current situation. Physical fitness training, can really meet the needs of police and police tasks and ensure the safety of duty. In the 21st century, where human rights are high, law and order is complex, andcrimes are diversified, our police physical fitness training must be reformed in response to the trend of the times, and the characteristics of the basic information of the police and the police should be taught in accordance with their aptitude to enhance the interest of the police and the police. They are able to give full play to their strengths, face the challenges of various service tasks in the new century, and provide people with better service quality. This research is intended to explore the effectiveness of the implementation of physical training for police in China from the academic and practical aspects. The steps are based on the researcher's discretion of relevant literature at home and abroad, combined with the views of the academic and policing practice circles, and then the outline of the interview, and the gender, age, job nature, title class, etc. of the Security Police Fifth Corps. Seven police officers applied to test the views, opinions and differences in the physical fitness training of the canals and so on, and to integrate them in order to provide reference for the future reform of the surgical training. The study found that the current police training in physical fitness training has a low level of satisfaction in terms of "training time", "eight hours of training hours" and "physical (running) training. opportunity. In the surgical training program, it is considered that the physical fitness multi-modality curriculum should be strengthened to help the police to achieve the diverse needs of physical fitness in the annual training, and to achieve the training effectiveness of the executive service; the obstacles in the implementation of the technical training are too heavy and burdensome, forced participation There is no choice of space, and the form of training can not be used. The above research findings can provide training units of various police agencies as an important reference for future training changes.


