  • 學位論文


The Effect of Placement Marketing Advertising in Community Websites on the Purchasing Intention and Repurchase Intention.

指導教授 : 吳有龍


近年來網路發展迅速,網路上的廣告也因此崛起,從傳統的報章雜誌轉換成了線上資訊的流通,和傳統廣告相比,網路廣告的成本更低,流通速度卻更快,因此廣受企業青睞。而在無遠弗屆的網路中,Facebook的使用受到大量使用者的喜愛,因為除了可以交朋友之外,還能夠分享及發表自己的生活和情感,截至2015年6月底前,Facebook的登記用戶量高達15億9千萬,約占了全球30億網友的一半,既然聚集的如此大量的用戶,想當然也成了廣告商所看中的一塊大餅,除了一般的網路廣告之外,Facebook上透過名人代言的業務配合文章就是其中一種行銷手法,藉由擁有眾多使用者關注的明星(或高關注的網路紅人)所發表的文章,更加容易讓使用者看到並且轉發,擁有更快的資訊流動速度,因此是目前社群網站中的主要行銷方法之一。 本研究採用問卷調查來進行資料蒐集,並且透過SPSS來分析業務配合文章中「代言人」、「不實廣告」對於「購買意願」和「回購意願」有何種影響,由上述的四個構面進而設立了代言人、不實廣告、產品品質、購買意願共8項假說,希望藉由此項研究了解新型行銷手法的利弊關係。 根據研究結果顯示,「代言人形象」及「不實廣告」對「購買意願」以及經過構面合併的「滿意及回購」具有顯著影響,也就是說代言人的選擇以及廣告廠商的誠實是相當重要的,這兩項因素影響了消費者對於產品或者服務的購買以及回購能力。


As network is developing rapidly in recent years, advertising is emerging on Internet in the transition from traditional newspapers and periodicals to online information exchange. Network advertising bearing lower costs but circulating faster than traditional ones has gained popularity among business. In endless network, Facebook, which is popular with abundant users, offers a platform where users can express and share her/his life and feelings apart from making friends. Till end of June, 2015, registered users volume on Facebook have been up to 1.59 billion, about accounting for half of 3 billion Internet users as a globe. Such large quantities of users gather here certainly are favored by advertisers. Apart from general network advertisings, celebrity endorsement with article publicity on Facebook is an additional marketing, one of chief marketing methods of community sites. The articles launched by stars with numerous fans (or high-profile web celebrity) spread information quicker, for they are able to catch users’ eyes and excite users to transmit. The study aims to gather materials in questionnaire survey, analyze business through SPSS and set up four hypotheses including spokesman, false advertising, product quality and purchase intention based on impacts of Spokesman and False Advertising on Purchase Intention and Buy-back Intention. It is hoped the study will help us to get to know advantages and disadvantages in new marketing methods. It has been found from this study that Image of Spokesman and False Advertising have significant impacts on Purchase Intention and Willing to Buy-back combined with dimensions. In other words, option of spokesman and advertisers’ honesty are essential factors to influence consumers’ ability to purchase and buy back products or services.


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