  • 學位論文


The Analysis on The Gap between Competency and Education for Junior Officer of Naval Fleet

指導教授 : 林皆興 江育真


本研究藉由深入訪談之質性取向研究方法,以瞭解了解剛畢業之初級軍官初派職務之內容,與海軍工作實務環境對初官能力(職能)之期待及要求,探討學用落差之可能因素。對採用立意抽樣的九位受訪者進行深度訪談後,再針對所獲之資料作分析與討論,以下為本研究結果: 一、海軍艦艇初級軍官主要工作內涵包含隊務管理、行政業務、裝備管理及作戰演訓等四項。 二、經研究分析海軍艦艇初級軍官應具備之職能內涵分為「知識」、「能力」及「特質」三類,其中「知識」職能項目為「了解裝備運作原理及性能等基礎原理及規定」;應具備之「能力」職能項目包括「領導統御」、「管理與規劃能力」、「溝通協調及解決問題能力」、「公文簽核及文書處理能力」及「航海作戰演訓能力」;特質類職能包括「服從」、「抗壓」、「學習態度要正面積極」等項。 三、研究發現學校教育與海軍艦艇初級軍官所需職能之培養具有以下關聯:學校教育已涵蓋了「知識」職能應具備之學科基礎原理;「能力」職能部分,學校的「學校幹部制度」有助於「領導統御」、「協調溝通」及「管理與規劃」能力;另外學校的艦訓有助於加強對航行事務及操演的了解,更可實習航行值更,與初級軍官所需「航海作戰演訓能力」具關聯性;另所需之特質類職能「服從」、「抗壓(刻苦耐勞)」、「學習態度要正面積極」等部分,學校的學長學弟制及學習幹部制度等軍官養成教育,使學生得以培養抗壓、服從之特質。 四、本研究發現學校教育與海軍艦艇職場所需職能之學用落差,包含初級軍官應具備公文簽核能力,而學校教育未提供相關課程。另學校教育缺乏實務經驗,致使所學知識在職場運用無法有效銜接之情形。學用落差之可能原因包含(一)海軍專業學術課程分散各系,不符職場所需(二)對未來職場認知不足,無學習動機(三)學生學習態度等個人因素。 為降低學用落差,本研究最後提供學校建議如后:(一)提供學生未來職場願景(二) 強化課程與實務關聯(三) 建立職能導向課程設計;此外,對於後續研究,建議可針對各海軍初級軍官之職能項目,透過有系統的職能分析,發展符合海軍職場所需之職能導向課程,以縮短學用落差,培養能「為海軍所用」之海軍軍官。


This research use qualitative research method by in-depth interview, to understand the duties of junior officers’ first job, and the expectation and requirement on their competencies by the practical naval fleet, and exam the possible factors of the gap between competency and education. After interviewing, analyzing and discussing with 9 respondents, we conclude the following results of this study: 1. The duties of junior officers of naval fleets includes “team management”, “administrative stuff”, “equipment maintenance and repair” and “war affairs and traning”. 2. The contents of competency which needed by junior officers of naval fleet include “knowledge”, “ability” and “characteristics” 3 parts. “Knowledge” competency require “be able to understand the principle and rule of equipment’s operation and function” ; “Ability” competency require “leadership”, “management and planning”, “communicate and problem-solving”, “to dispatch the official documents” and “navigation and war drill skills”; “Characteristic” competency require “obedience” ,“anti-stress” and “positive learning attitude”. 3. This study found that education of Naval Academy and the training of the competencies needed by junior officers of naval fleet have following correlations: The education has covered the basic principles of subjects which “knowledge” competency needed. In the part of “capability” competency, the “internship of cadre” helps to build up the capacities of “leadership”, “management and planning”, “communicate and problem-solving”. Besides, the training on the fleet helps to enhance the understanding of navigation and war drill skills, and it’s related to the “ability” competency of “navigation and war drill skills” that junior officers of Naval fleet required; Moreover, the officer forming education such as internship of cadre and pecking order in Naval Academy, enable students to development the characteristics of anti-stress and obedience. 4. The gap between education and the competencies required in naval fleet, include the capacity of dispatch the official documents, which there’s no class provided in academy. Besides, the education has lake of practical experience, this makes the result of what they’ve learned in academy couldn’t be well applied to the workplace. The possible reasons which cause the gap may include (1) Naval academic courses are dispersed to different departments, discrepancies in the workplace required. (2) Lack of knowledge of future career causes low motivation of learning. (3) Learning attitude and other personal factors. To shorten the gap between competency and education, this study provide following recommendations for Naval Academy: (1) provide students with future career (2)strengthen the correlation between courses and practical experiences. (3) establishing Competency-Based Program(CBP); In addition, for the follow-up study , it is recommended for developing the CBP that meets the required competencies of naval fleet through a systematic analysis on the competencies which junior officers needed, and this is for shortening the gap, and training the naval officers who can "be used for the Navy ".


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