  • 學位論文


Investigating the Perceived Values of Preservice Prescool Educators in Selecting Preschools in Kaohsiung City via A Means-End Chain Approach

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 陶幼慧(Yu-Hui Tao)


幼托整合是國家對6歲以下幼兒教育政策一項重大的變革,幼兒托育機構從過去的幼稚園及托兒所改制為「幼兒園」,新的教育法規對改制後的幼兒園,從軟及硬體設施與設備的規範,到教保服務工作人員的聘任,均有莫大的衝擊。以往教保分流的體制時,幼童招收對象以及師生比不像幼托整合後的嚴謹;幼托整合後幼兒園不但要面對新的招生壓力,同時更要面對教保服務人員的核備問題。此外,準教保服務人員泛指民國101年幼托整合政策實施後,於大學院校修習幼教及幼保相關科系,並完成教育實習符合民國102 年「幼兒教育及照顧法」,準備進入幼兒園從事教保服務工作的準畢業生。本研究觀察到兩個相關議題:第一、與幼教課系學生訪談未來工作意願時,發現很多學生於畢業後從事本科行業意願不高;第二、從103年起研究私立幼兒園經營,感受到應聘教保服務工作者成為經營管理私立幼兒園成敗的關鍵因素,亦是本研究探討兩者之間的重要問題。 根據上述議題,本研究透過階梯訪談法,針對高屏地區準備從事教保服務工作之準教保人員進行深度訪談與資料分析,以釐清教保服務人員選擇私立幼兒園的認知價值。本研究實際訪談60位大學院校幼教學系、幼保學系及幼教師資培育中心之準教保服務人員。樣本中有效受訪者共計50位,其中男性3位及女性47位,女性比例高;此外,31位(62%)受訪者表示畢業後「會」有意願進入私立幼兒園任職,另外19位(38%)受訪者,則表示畢業後「不會」有意願進入私立幼兒園任職,故仍有近四成以上沒有意願進入私立幼兒園任職。 透過「方法-目的鏈」(Means-End Chain,MEC),編碼人員從50位訪談者蒐集的相關要素,歸納出高信度之47變數項,包含24項屬性、10項結果以及13項價值,並將編碼所定義的「屬性-結果-價值」勾勒出「價值階層圖」。經過「A→C→V」鏈結次數的cutoff value篩選出價值階層關鍵路徑,共得3條「A→C→V」及1條「C→V」準教保服務人員選擇私立幼兒園認知價值關鍵鏈結路徑。關鍵鏈結路徑分別為[A14] 幼兒園職場環境規模優良→[C3] 提昇班級經營的實務與經驗→[V1] 增加專業教保職能及廣域、[A17] 幼兒園軟、硬體設備完善→[C3] 提昇班級經營的實務與經驗→[V1] 增加專業教保職能及廣域,以及[A6] 有開放及多元的教學方法→[C3] 提昇班級經營的實務與經驗→[V1] 增加專業教保職能及廣域以及「[C5] 試教教學經驗→[V1] 增加專業教保職能及廣域。從以上路徑結果可得知,幼兒園經營者能多輔導應屆畢業學生進入職場的試教經驗,可以有效提昇班級經營的實務經驗,以及增加專業教保職能及廣域的認知價值。而未來準教保服務人員在學期間,要加強教保專業科目的進學知識,朝多元學習發展;教育實習期間應多與實習園所配合,主動爭取試教教學機會,提昇班級經營的實務與經驗;並與其他修習教育實習的同儕互動分享實習經驗,以瞭解現今教保環境的需求與變遷,如此方能增加工作職場的適應能力。 最後,研究訪談過程發現,受訪者對畢業後從事教保服務工作意向度與實際場域有明顯落差,其於教育實習時對教保服務工作是否瞭解,進而對未來從事教保服務工作意願與訪談結果是否存在誤差,為本研究歸納之研究限制。建議未來後續研究者可以縮小研究範圍,如特定受訪對象針對未來進入私立幼兒園任職意願,分別做研究分析比較,或反向推論私立幼兒園在聘任教保服務人員之認知價值等相關課題。


The merge of kindergartens and nurseries is an important revolution of preschool education policy for children below 6 years old. The early childhood educare institution has been restructured as “preschool” from “kindergarten” and “nurseries”. The new educational regulation has a great influence on the preschool from the stipulation of software and hardware facilities and equipment to the engagement of preschool educators. In the past, before the merged system of preschool education was implemented, the regulation regarding children enrollment and teacher-student ratio were not as strict as that of current preschool; the restructured preschools not only need to work under the enrollment pressure, but also need to face the approval issues of preschool educators. The pre-preschool educators are referred to the pre-graduated students who study in related departments of preschool education and childhood care, complete the educational practices which measure up Early Childhood Education and Care Act in 2013, and prepare to work in preschools after the merged kindergartens and nursery schools was implemented in 2012. This study observed two relevant issues: First, when interviewing some students from Preschool Education Department about their work orientation, many students were not willing to work in their major-related jobs after graduation; Second, practitioners managing private preschools after 2013 have perceived that the hiring of preschool educator has become a key successful element operating private preschools, which is also an important issue to be explored. Based on the issues mentioned above, this study aims to conduct an in-depth laddering interview to the pre-preschool educators in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas and analyze data to identify their perceived values of choosing private preschools. This study interviewed 60 pre-preschool educators who major in preschool education, childhood care, and the center of cultivating preschool teachers. Among them, 50 were valid interviewees, including 3 males and 47 females, which shows a high female proportion; besides, 31 (62%) interviewees expressed that they were willing to work in the private preschools after graduation while 19 (38%) interviewees were not, which shows nearly 40 percent of them have no intention to work in private preschools in the future. Through Means-End Chain (MEC) method, three research coders concluded and named 47 relevant elements from the collected data of 50 interviewees with a high reliability, including 24 attributes (A), 10 consequences (C), and 13 values (V). In addition, they depicted the Hierarchical Value Map by the formulated “attribute-consequence-value” links. The critical link paths were filtered by the corresponding counts higher than the [A→C→V] cutoff value, which leads to three [A→C→V] and one [C→V] key linking paths related to why the subjects chose to work in the private preschools. Key link paths include [A14] good preschool working environment→[C3] increase the practice and experience of classroom management→[V1] increase the competency and range in professional education and care, [A17] comprehensive software and hardware devices→[C3] increase the practice and experience of classroom management→[V1] increase the competence and range of professional education and care, [A6] have open and multivariate teaching methods→[C3] increase the practice an experience of classroom management→[V1] increase the competence and range of professional education and care as well as [C5] have practiced teaching experience→[V1] increase the competence and range of professional education and care. The study suggests that the preschool managers can offer more teaching and practicing chances to the undergraduates for accumulating experiences, which can efficiently improve their practical experience of classroom management and increase their competence in education and care and wide perceive value. In contrast, the preschool educators should enhance their knowledge of related majors and diversify their learning and development. During the educational practice period, they should cooperate with the internship preschools, initiatively strive for teaching opportunities and improve the practical experience of classroom management; furthermore, they can share the practical experience among their colleagues to know more demands and changes of preschool educational environment so that they can increase their adaptive capacity in workplace. At last, during the interview, this research found a gap between their work intention for not to be preschool educators and the actual situations. As a result, this is a research limitation that can be narrowed in the future research by investigating whether they have sufficient understanding about their preschool jobs during their internships and the corresponding influences on future work intention. For examples, a comparative analysis on the research gap aiming at the service intentions of working in private preschools, or reversely infer the perceived values of private preschools.


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