  • 學位論文


A Study on the Physical Fitness Effects of “BaDuanJin Qigong” for The Elderly in Communities

指導教授 : 鄭雅愛 蔡金川


因人口的老化趨勢下,老年人口持續增多,近年來政府以及社會更加重視與注重邁入老年後的身體功能。本研究的目的是了解在社區活動的老年人的體適能狀況,並以氣功-八段錦作為促進健康的運動一段時間後,體適能結果及差異。研究採次級資料,資料來源為南台灣某準醫學中心進行八段錦教學之照顧關懷據點。資料篩選條件為需完成12週八段錦運動與體適能前後測及之65歲以上之老年人。資料期間自2017年1月31日至2019年12月31日。篩選後共70名體適能數據,平均年齡77歲,並將體適能數據以常模進行分類與統計分析。 研究結果發現以八段錦作為運動介入後對社區老年人的血壓、下肢肌耐力、柔軟度、動態平衡能力等體適能結果是有差異的,其中在脈壓差有正向顯著差異。因此,本研究可推論出八段錦可作為促進參與老年人體適能的運動重要性。而在老化的影響下,在前測與後測老年人的脈壓差以及動態平衡能力的較差,對於心血管以及日常生活行走易有危害健康的風險。


老年人 八段錦 體適能


Due to the aging trend, the elderly population continues to increase. In recent years, the government and the society have paid more attention to the physical functions of the elderly. The purpose of the study is to understand the physical fitness of elderly in the communities. After using “Baduanjin Qigong” as a health promotion exercise for a period of time, the physical fitness of the elderly improved. Secondary data was obtained from the community care center for the elderly that taught “Baduanjin Qigong” by a Medical Center located in southern Taiwan. The data period is from January 31, 2017 to December 31, 2019. 70 cases were included with the average age of 77, and classified by physical fitness status. The results of the study found using “Baduanjin Qigong” as an exercise for the elderly in communities setting has a positive difference between pretest and posttest in blood pressure、lower-extremity muscular endurance、flexibility、dynamic balance of physical fitness. There is also an significant positive difference in pulse pressure. Therefore, the study infers the importance of “Baduanjin Qigong” as a exercise to promote physical fitness in the elderly. Under the influence of aging, the ability of pulse pressure and the dynamic balance of the elderly in the pretest and posttest is poor, creating a hazard to cardiovascular and daily walking.


elderly Baduanjin Qigong physical fitness


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