  • 學位論文


Water sports and leisure participation, leisure and study the correlation of satisfaction and work under pressure - to grassroots police Case

指導教授 : 劉鴻陞 林皆興


警察負有維持社會秩序,保障人民生活安全之職責,站在社會第一線的警察同仁, 則首當其衝面臨生命的危險與工作壓力,因我國警察人員的工作性質及勤務制度的特殊,所承受之壓力也特別大。因此本研究的目的在探討水域活動休閒參與、休閒滿意度及工作壓力相關性之研究-以基層員警為例,以信度、效度分析、因素分析及變異數分析、迴歸分析進行統計分析。 本研究成果: 一、 休閒參與構面,對休閒滿意度有部分顯著差異。 二、 休閒參與構面對工作壓力有部分顯著差異。 三、 休閒滿意度構面對工作壓力有部分負向影響。


Police are there to maintain social order and protect the safety of people's lives duty police colleagues standing in the first line of the society, bear the brunt of the risk and stress of life, due to the special nature of the work our police officers and service system, to withstand the pressure It is particularly large. Therefore, the purpose of this study to explore the waters of participation in leisure activities, leisure satisfaction and work stress research of relevance - to the grassroots police, for example, to the reliability, validity analysis, factor analysis and analysis of variance, regression analysis, statistical analysis . The research results: 1. leisure participation facets, some significant differences on leisure satisfaction. 2. leisure participation structures face work stress some significant differences. 3. Leisure satisfaction constitutive face work stress some negative effect.


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