  • 學位論文


Study on the performance of surface runoff interception system — Case study at I-Shou university

指導教授 : 詹明勇


目前台灣許多山坡地經由開發過後導致水土保持不良,土石流發生頻繁;台灣水文環境又為暴雨型,當暴雨來襲時,因工程建設導致地表透水率嚴重不足,地表逕流大增,淹水問題日顯嚴重。如果在地表逕流過程透過分段截流系統的概念,將漫地流預先截流,如此可以遲滯洪峰到達時間、降低洪峰流量、減少整體洪水體積的進入下游端。截流系統的效率可以定義為洪峰折減率與洪水體積保水率兩個因子,前者以降低洪峰的百分比為基準,折減率越高表示效益愈大;後者以蓄存分洪的體積除以總逕流體積為基準,保水率越高表示系統的功能性愈強。 透過降雨強度的頻率分析、地表地貌的整理,即可以進入前述分析的概念。本研究先檢討既有降雨強度公式的適用性,根據2年、5年、10年復現期的暴雨分析,找到本研究擬採用地降雨強度公式。其次,透過GOOGLE ERATH的工具,將案例校區劃分成15個區塊,逐一求出各區塊面積、坡度、坡向,並將這15個區塊分成兩種匯流的組合。最後以合理化公式計算各區塊的洪峰流量,並檢討截流系統的成效。 從計算結果可以看出洪峰的折減率可達30%;而逕流體積的保水率約可達到15%左右。透過頻率降雨的分析,雖可以確認截流系統的效率,但仍需由驗證降雨確認該系統的可行性。本研究藉由鄰近的降雨紀錄,證實小區塊降雨逕流截流系統每年至少可以發揮兩次以上的操作,平時暴雨縱使未達設計雨量,截流系統也可發揮部分的功效。


Heavy storm and unpredictable rainfall occurs in these years. The existed drain system cannot afford these extreme rainfall events and excess water flooded on the roads and public area. If the extreme rainfall can be intercepted before flowing into ditches, canals or channels, then the existed drain system might be work as before, and less overland flow floods on the roads. This paper intends to introduce a simple concept that using interception ditches cutting off the overland flow from slope into drain system. Rainfall intensity are evaluated by the empirical data. Rational formula is used for peak discharge calculation. Topographical properties, slope, area of sub-catchments are estimated through the GOOGLE ERATH tools. Rate of peak flow reduction and rater of flood volume conservation are used for evaluating the performance of interception system. I-Shou university campus is adopted as an example for counting the performance of interception system. The result shows peak flow will be reduced about 30% by comparing with the original discharge, and the system can conserve 15% of runoff volume under the return period of 2 to 10 years.


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26.Ismail Abustan , Ahmad Husaini Sulaiman , Nabsiah Abdul Wahid and Fauzi Baharudin, “Determination of Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics in An Urban Area: Sungai Kerayong Catchment, Kuala Lumpur”,11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2008
