  • 學位論文


A Customer Requirement Research on Universal Design for Kitchen Cabinets

指導教授 : 周志榮
共同指導教授 : 林煥章(Huan-Chang Lin)


受到整個大環境的變化與食安問題,家庭人口的結構及少子化的影響,台灣的廚房使用狀況與料理習慣也有顯著的變化。根據社會趨勢發展調查的數據資料,具三代型式之主幹家庭逐漸增加,核心家庭逐漸減少,顯示成年子女與父母同住比例提高,廚房的使用者年齡層範圍更廣,男性使用者也逐漸增加。如何能讓家中的廚櫃設備能使每一位家庭成員使用簡單與方便為本論文所要探討的問題。 本研究以「消費者需求」觀點探討使用者、廚房使用空間、廚房電器設備三者之間的互動關係。透過「使用者問卷調查」及「深入個案訪談調查」,以深入了解使用者在其廚房使用上的困擾。因各族群使用者依其年齡、性別、能力而需求不同,故以彙整文獻作為基礎的資料,再進一步透過實例的深度訪談,以廚房使用行為為主軸做實態調查,並藉由量化問卷得知使用者的觀點,瞭解以調查者的身心條件對應於廚房使用上的困擾與不便,並探求廚房使用上的需求與期望。 經由調查結果分析發現,使用者的困擾與「高度」有極大的關係,廚房的平台高度有一定的規格品,不一定符合家庭中的每一個人使用,進而導致廚房空間設備的對應問題。不當或缺乏彈性使用的設備高度或配置規劃,導致使用者共用時,容易感受到身體的負擔;藉由廚事分配、互動等行為組織起家人的責任分屬,女性大多扮演重要的角色。在改善意識上使用者多偏向安全性與輔助性的設備規劃,顯示現況缺乏危險意識的考量。 整體而言,現階段的廚房設備大多採標準化形式,較少因應使用者的需求而設計或調整。以通用設計的觀點來說,因考量不同族群的使用者,多加入安全性規劃、可變之彈性空間及輔助性設計等考量,同時從廚具的設計改善,瞭解使用現況與使用者需求的差異,將能設計出更接近通用設計的廚具。


Subject to change and food security issues, family demographics of the low birth rate affect the social environment. Taiwan's status and use of the kitchen cooking habits have changed significantly. According to the social trend survey data, the type of stem family with three generations of increasing decline of the nuclear family, showing the proportion of adult children living with their parents to improve the user a wider age range kitchen, a male user is also increasing. How can home kitchen equipment to make every family member using a simple and convenient compared to this paper is to explore the issue In this study, "consumer demand" to explore the interaction by this three user point of view, the use of kitchen space, kitchen appliances and equipment between the three. According to the "User survey" and "in-depth individual interview survey" to learn more about those troubled kitchen in use. Because of all ethnic groups according to their user age, gender, ability and needs of different, so the entire document as a basis to exchange information and further through in-depth interviews instance, to use behavior as the main kitchen and solid-state investigation, and obtained by quantization questionnaire to know the user's point of view, to understand the physical and mental condition of investigators corresponds to the distress and inconvenience on the kitchen, and to explore the needs and expectations on the use of the kitchen. Analysis via the survey found that users plagued with "high" have a great relationship, the height of the kitchen there is a certain standard platform products, not necessarily in line with everyone in the family to use, leading to a corresponding problem space kitchen equipment. Improper or lack of equipment or highly elastic configuration planning to use, resulting in the user share, easy to feel the burden of the body; assigned by kitchen things, the responsibility of the organization to interact with other acts belong to the family, women are playing an important role. Multi-user awareness in improving the safety and biased auxiliary equipment planning, show a lack of awareness on the dangers of the current situation to consider. Overall, kitchen equipment at this stage mostly collected standardized form, less in response to user needs and design or adjustment. In general design point of view, different groups of users due consideration, added more security planning, variable auxiliary of flexible space and design considerations, and to improve the design of the kitchen, understand the difference between the current situation and the use of users' needs We will be able to design a kitchen closer to Universal Design


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