  • 學位論文


A Study on Junior High School Students’ Consumption of Sweetened Beverages and Its Related Factors – An Example of A Six-Year High School in Kaohsiung City.

指導教授 : 林文祥


摘 要 本研究主要目的在探討國中學生飲用含糖飲料行為及其相關影響因素,以民國102學年度就讀高雄市某完全中學國中部七、八、九年級全體學生為母群體,採隨機抽樣法進行抽樣,共發出270份問卷,回收有效問卷共269份。將有效問卷進行編碼,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關係數和複迴歸分析等方法進行描述和統計。 實證研究結果發現:(1)研究對象對含糖飲料之消費知識頗高,但是當他們參加聚會或家人和同儕正飲用含糖飲料時或家裡購買含糖飲料這三種情境時,最不容易拒絕含糖飲料的誘惑。表示除了教育研究對象飲用含糖飲料會造成健康的危害外,面對誘惑時也能有效運用技巧拒絕含糖飲料。(2)研究對象最常飲用的含糖飲料是茶類,其來源除了研究對象會自行到現調飲料店購買之外,根據問卷調查結果發現,其家人也會購買茶類飲料提供研究對象飲用,由此可知除了研究對象之外,家庭其他成員也必須有相同的共識及作為,才能真正減少飲用茶類飲料行為。(3)研究發現研究對象在沒有零用錢的情形下,確實能減少飲用含糖飲料的次數。因此,家長在給予子女零用錢時,應考量孩子實際需求且須留意金錢使用狀況,使其具備儲蓄觀念及能力。(4)研究對象拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能愈強,越能減少研究對象飲用含糖飲料次數。根據本研究統計,提升研究對象拒絕飲用含糖飲料自我效能,在未來最能有效減少研究對象飲用含糖飲料,因此要減少國中生飲用含糖飲料行為必須從家庭教育紮根並落實。


Abstract This study seeks to explore junior high school students’ consumption of sweetened beverages and its related factors. The participants investigated in this study come from a six-year high school in Kaohsiung City, covering the seventh, eighth and nineth graders in the school year of 2013. We select the participants through random sampling. A total of 270 copies of the questionnaire have been issued with 269 valid copies returned. We number the valid copies of the questionnaire, collect the statistics and conduct the description through One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and Regression Analysis. The results point out a few findings. First, the participants in this study have a good knowledge regarding the consumption of sweetened beverages. However, we find that they are most vulnerable to the temptations of sweetened beverages on three occasions: (i) when they attend a gathering, (ii) when their family and peers are sipping sweetened beverages, and (iii) when their family purchase sweetened beverages at home. This means that in addition to educating the participants about the health hazards which sweetened beverages can cause, we should also teach them to employ effective strategies to resist the temptations of sweetened beverages. Second, the most frequently consumed sweetened beverages are tea drinks. One of the reasons is that the participants can easily purchase them at drink shops. Another reason is that their family will also buy tea drinks for the participants. In this light, we suggest that the responsibility of practically cutting down on participants’ consumption of tea drinks lies not only in the participants themselves but also in their family members. They should have the same level of awareness and knowledge about sweetened beverages and act together. Third, if the subjects were given no pocket money, the frequency of drinking sweetened beverages would get reduced. This implies that when parents are giving their children monthly allowance, they are supposed to consider their children’s realistic needs and pay attention to how they use their pocket money, which can help to cultivate their children’s savings attitudes and habits. Last, when the participants have a stronger self-efficacy to resist sipping sweetened beverages, the frequency of their consumption can be effectively reduced. As a result, enhancing the participants’ self-efficacy in this respect will be the most effective way to lessen students’ consumption of sweetened beverages in the future. To this end, decreasing junior high school students’ consumption of sweetened beverages should be implanted and implemented in the family education.


余慧容、黃純德、陳弘森、蕭思郁、劉秀月、林妤珊、王乃亭(2008)。臺灣東部6-12 歲國小學生齲齒狀況與飲食習慣、口腔衛生習慣之探討。臺灣口腔醫學科學雜誌,24,37–48。


