  • 學位論文


The Feasiblity Research on Outsourcin of Military Drivers:The Example of Ping Tung Air force Base

指導教授 : 吳有龍
共同指導教授 : 陳岳陽(Yue-Yang Chen)


隨著國軍兵役制度改革,從大眾耳熟能詳的精實案、精進案至目前執行中的勇固案來看,各國軍部隊都朝著量小質精的方向前進,人力外包公司「委外駕駛人力」在接受國軍單位訓練後,使委外駕駛人員能滿足單位需求,進而解決單位駕駛人力不足之問題,本研究旨在探討對於「空軍基地駕駛人力委外之可行性」。研究對象以空軍屏東地區駕駛人員為對象,透過文獻探討收集相關資料,建立研架構做為問卷之基礎,採問卷方式進行調查,並收集問卷結果後,進而探討不同背景變項受測者,對上述駕駛人力委外辦理之「法律制度」、「民間支持」、「財政支出」、「人力管理」等四大構面,受測者的差異性,並進一步瞭解現階段駕駛人力委外所面臨到的困境、推動障礙困難以及委外考量,所得結論如下: 1.部分駕駛人力足額改採約僱人力是值得參考。 2.足額增補駕駛人力並不會造成財政負擔沉重。 3.空軍基地內運勤任務並非核心業務,可有釋放民間管理及計畫管制。 4.辦理委外困難係有現職人力安置問題困難、民間駕駛人力市場缺乏或未成熟及人力需求政策等考量。 5.駕駛人力委外待克服困難有許多,現並非推動駕駛人力外包適當時機,若能克服各項困難因素將可作為長遠角度期待的方向。 6.委外人力與個人資通安全管理是可經過,職前訓練進而達到有效控管。


Since the reformation performed on the military service system of ROC Armed Forces, from the familiar lean policy and enhancement policy, to the current implemented Yong Gu policy (the new force disarmament policy), we can see that the ROC Armed Forces troopsare all turn to be small-sized with high quality. Pilot manpower from manpower outsourcing company, after trained by units of ROC Armed Forces, can fit to the needs and further resolve the shortage of pilot manpower of unit. This study aims to discuss the feasibility of outsurcing pilot manpower in air force base. Pilots in Pingtung Air Force Base were involved as our research objects. By making data collection through literature reviews, research framework was established as the basis of our questionnaires. Based on results collected through questionnaire method, we make discussions on objects with different backgrounds to figure out the differences in the four perspectives of “legal system”, “public support”, “fiscal expenditure” and “manpower control” in outsourcing of above pilot manpower; and further learn about the dilemmas, difficulties and outsourcing considerations in promoting current pilot manpower outsourcing . The results are as followed: 1. It’s worth discussing that turning part amount of pilot manpower into contracted manpower. 2. Making supplement for pilot manpower amount will not cause extra burdens on finance. 3. In Air Force Base, transport service is not the core service which allows releasing controls on civil management and projects. 4. The difficulties in outsourcing include the problems of arranging serving manpower, market lacking or less-developed in private pilot manpower and manpower policies. 5. There are plenty of difficulties in pilot manpower outsourcing to overcome. It’s not the appropriate time to promote pilot manpower outsourcing. Once these problems are overcome, we can take it as the direction of long-term promotion. 6. Outsourcing manpower and personal data security management can be under effective control after preservice training.


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