  • 學位論文


Studies on Willingness of Female Fertility

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 林皆興


少子女化已成為影響臺灣長期發展的重要問題,而且不僅出生率逐年下降,國人的生育意願更居世界低端。政府祭出許多獎勵生育政策,但現代女性是否因而提升生育意願,值得深入探討。 本研究運用半結構式的深度訪談法,訪問11位25~45歲現代女性,從「生育意願」、「影響生育的因素」、「對生育政策的看法」等面向,發現現代女性對生育子女的價值觀有明顯的轉變,包括原生家庭價值觀及婚外生育等。現代女性自觀意識高,另一半知覺其父親角色快慢與育兒能力是否嫻熟,與家庭支持指數均為左右生育意願因素。生育子女除付出金錢、時間、心力;機會成本、社會環境、職場壓力也會影響生育行為。 本研究發現,原生家庭經驗是現代女性生育考量的關鍵因素,家庭支持也影響生育步調,而且經濟、就業環境大大壓縮生育意願,然而,獎勵政策與生育子女的意願相關性很低,因此政府應著眼於長遠的規劃而非短視近利,應研擬育兒彈性工時,創造適育環境,讓女性也能高喊「我育兒、我驕傲」;同時為了消弭職場歧視的目標,應大幅提高企業節稅獎勵制度,縮短職場與家庭的距離;此外,規劃多元課程融入幼兒教育,比如游泳等,幼兒啟蒙趁現在。只要建立一個友善、同理民眾育兒的總體環境,女性們自然願意提高生育數目。


The decline of the birth-rates has become an important question affected the development of Taiwan for a long time. Not only the birth rate has declined year by year, but also the will of bearing children has been the lowest of the world. The government offers many policies to reward the will of bearing; however, will the policies promote the willingness of modern females? It is worth discussing more. The method used in this research is semi-structured in-depth interview, and 11 modern females aged 25 to 45 are interviewed. The research discovered that modern females changed their values about bearing children, including original family affection, highly self-conscious and how well husbands realized that they’ve already being a father. Bearing children not only costs money, time and the mental efforts, but also affects their work promotion opportunity and the tolerance of workplace stress. The research conclusion discovered that early childhood family experience is the key which modern females are considered about. Also, family support system strengthen enough affects the birth step; moreover, economic and workplace environment have a vital influence. However, the correlations between the willingness of bearing children and the reward policies are low. Therefore, the government should focus on the long-term plans. The useful way are to customize the flextime of workplace environment for pregnant employees and greatly maximize tax deduction to the company which show highly sympathy for pregnancy employees. Moreover, the development of diversified curriculum to preschool student is a necessity. (eg. SWIMMING, GO.) The more detail things Government pay attention to its people, the highly feedback of birth willingness it will gets. When establishing a place which is worthy of living, the willingness of bearing children is enhanced naturally.


賴明豐、王宣智、黃仟文 (2014)。知識經濟及創新經濟時代下人才培育的重要性。財團法人國家實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心。2014年9月12日。取自:https://portal.stpi.narl.org.tw/index/article/42
一、 中文部份
中華民國統計資訊網 https://www.stat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=15409&CtNode=3622&mp=4
內政國際指標 https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/node.aspx?sn=6022
