  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Smart Cloud Monitoring in Embedded System

指導教授 : 李青旻


本論文是以雲端監控為目的進行嵌入式系統的開發。選擇以Arduino Yun為發展平台設計一套智慧型雲端監控系統,在硬體周邊設置兩個紅外線人體感測器和一個攝影鏡頭,藉由紅外線感測可得知是否有人靠近,當接收到感測訊號時蜂鳴器會發出高低音頻的警示聲響,同時系統會發送電子郵件通知用戶端,用戶端在收到通知後,可以進行觀看拍攝的照片,並決定是否進行遠端串流監控來防範。由實驗結果可得知,監控系統不管日夜都能發揮即時拍照上傳的功能,而用戶端可以使用手機進行遠端串流控制。因此,能保證此嵌入式系統的即時性。


In this thesis, an embedded system is designed and implemented for cloud monitoring issues. The cloud monitoring system consists of software setup and hardware aspects. An Arduino Yun board is chosen to be used as the platform, and two Pyro-electric InfraRed sensors (PIR sensors) as well as a camera are set for the purpose of monitoring. Once the PIR sensors detect someone close to the system, not only a buzzer will sound audio warning, the camera will take photos, but also the system will sent the photographs to a predefined cloud system which is set by Dropbox and will alert users via email simultaneously. Users can decide to live-stream or to process after receiving the mailed message. In order to show the efficiency of the cloud monitoring system, some experiments are shown at the end of this thesis. According to the experimental results, the cloud monitoring system works well no matter in day and night. Users can remotely control this system and live-stream via cellphones. The requirement for real time of the embedded system can also be guaranteed.


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