  • 學位論文


A study on the factors of willingness to retain in navy for career sailors – a case of one flotilla

指導教授 : 林文祥


為符國防兵役政策及社會民情發展,我國兵役制度由原先「徵、募併行」之制度逐步轉型朝向「全募兵制」,並藉由人才招募作為,引進高素質人力。統計自民國99年迄今,志願役人員招募目標除未達預期規劃,且部分志願役士兵在役期屆滿時仍會選擇退役;復因近年來又囿於年金改革制度造成人心浮動,留營之政策已儼然成為國軍對志兵長留久用之重要因素。鑑此,本研究以志願役士兵的待遇福利、環境設施、領導管理、生涯規劃及退撫機制等因素探究其留營意願。因此,瞭解渠等對現今政策的真實感受,並據以精進,逕而提升志兵留營服役意願,乃為本研究重要之目的。 本研究是以海軍某艦隊之志願役士兵為母體樣本,採量化研究取向,計發放449份問卷,回收有效問卷449份,有效樣本率達85.5%;並運用SPSS統計分析軟體,以t檢定及迴歸分析檢定等方法來實施資料分析。本研究結果顯示(1)福利待遇方面對留營意願呈現顯著正相關。(2)環境設施方面對留營意願呈現顯著正相關。(3)領導風格及部隊管理方面對留營意願呈現正相關。(4)生涯規劃方面對留營意願呈現顯著正相關。(5)退撫機制方面對留營意願呈現顯著正相關。


The military service system of our country is now transforming from conscription to recruiting system, and trying to attract high quality civilians to join the military by using various recruiting methods.Statistics shows that from the year 2000 until now, the numbers of the recruitment didn't meet expectations. For somehow, voluntary service members choose not to stay when they had served their time, other than that, the modification of the pension system is causing wide panic. The policy of retaining active duty service members has become a critical issue to retain experienced soldiers. In this research, we look into how the benefits, infrastructure, management, career planning and pension system affect the willingness of our service members to stay. This, knowing how they feel about the current policies and improve it to raise the retaining rate can be the top issue for this research. This research is done with quantitative method, a total of 449 questionnaires were responded out of 449 sheets were given out to Navy sailors (85.5% valid); the statistics ran through t-test and regression analysis test with SPSS software to come up with the following results.(1)The willingness of retaining shows positive correlation with welfare.(2)The willingness of retaining shows positive correlation with infrastructure.(3)The willingness of retaining shows positive correlation with management.(4)The willingness of retaining shows positive correlation with career planning.(5)The willingness of retaining shows positive correlation with pension system.


