  • 學位論文


Discussion on the Factors of Effective Production Project Management: Taking a Military Factory as an Example

指導教授 : 吳有龍


隨著國家募兵制的推行,人員維持預算減少,作業維持及軍事投資預算提高,武器裝備的性能提升及快速更新,為近年來不對稱作戰的發展主軸。國內兵工廠職司各式軍品及維保零件生產供給,依軍種作戰需求及委製項量,作為預籌生產料件、產能調配、策編年度生產計畫之依據,惟生產期間恐遭遇料件採購法規限制、民間廠商履約未及、生產機具損壞及產製期程未如預期等延宕因素,乃形成本研究之研究背景與動機,亦彰顯有效掌握各項生產專案管理因素及有效應處的重要性與必要性。 本研究採用個案研究方法的比較方式,以某軍事工廠為研究對象,並訪談生管部門專業人員,進行深入的探討,再依據研究分析結果提出具體建議,作為提供軍事工廠未來在生產管理上,較為完善與周全有效的程序步驟,歸納出相關結論如下: 一、先期規劃年度生產品項:積極與軍種聯繫推介,建立良好溝通管道,以提前確認後續年度軍品需求,完備產品藍圖技資,評估料件數量及期程,規劃生產人力及機具整備,以減少各種等待的浪費。 二、制定相對應採購策略:針對不同委製品項,訂定合適採購方式,經評估持續性、易獲料之產品,以開口式契約為主;已簽約之軍品料件,以一次簽約、分批交貨為主,並適時運用最有利標、複數決標等方式,確保如期如質獲料。 三、建立軍品認試製制度:降低延遲獲料風險,積極開發商源,並廣邀民間科技公司研製關鍵組件,建立軍品試製合格證,以不再受外國限制性出口牽制。 最後,為降低生產各道次風險,建議提前規劃生產排程及料件籌購,尤以國軍近年武器裝備升級,部分採購項量及金額較為龐大,恐有採購程序較長之影響,且多量採購勢必以年度分批交貨,應加強商情作業,增進採購效率,俾利如期如質產製交軍。


Since the implementation of the national military recruitment system, the reduction of personnel budgets, the increase of operations and military investment budgets, and the performance improvement and rapid update of weapons and equipment have become the development axis of asymmetrical warfare. The domestic arsenal is responsible for the production and supply of various military materials and maintenance parts; the combat needs and commissions of each military service are the basis for the planning of production materials, capacity allotment, and annual production plan budgets. The research background and motivation of this study were the fear of encountering restrictions of materials caused by procurement regulations, contract noncompliance by private manufacturers, damage to production machinery, or other unexpected delays to production schedules, which highlight the necessity of having an effective grasp of management factors and effective handling of various production projects. Using a military factory as the research object, this study compared case studies by interviewing professionals in production management departments and engaging in in-depth discussions. Then, based on the research analysis, concrete recommendations on more comprehensive and effective protocols are proposed as the basis of production management in military factories. The conclusions are summarized as follows: (1)Plan annual production items in advance: actively contact military services to recommend services and establish healthy communication channels in order to confirm subsequent annual military demands in advance; have comprehensive product blueprint technology resources, evaluate material inventory and lead-times, and plan production staffing and machinery maintenance in order to reduce waste resulting from delays. (2)Formulate corresponding procurement strategies: stipulate appropriate procurement methods for different commissioned items, with open-ended contracts as the default for products considered sustainable and accessible of raw materials; contracted military materials should involve a single contract and delivery in installments; when appropriate, contracts should be awarded through the most favorable bid among multiple offers to ensure the timely delivery and quality of materials. (3)Establish a trial certification manufacturing system for military materials: to reduce the risk of delayed delivery, to actively source vendors, and to invite civil technology companies to develop key components, a trial manufacturing and certification of military materials system should be established in order to bypass restrictive export regulations implemented overseas. Finally, in order to reduce risk in production channels, production schedules and materials procurement should be planned in advance, especially for the upgrading of weapons and equipment procured by the military in recent years, which involves large expenditures and huge quantities and may be affected by prolonged procurement processes. Furthermore, large-volume procurements must necessarily be delivered in yearly installments; therefore, business operations should be strengthened to improve procurement efficiency and ensure the timely delivery and the quality of military materials.


2.某軍事工廠ISO 9001品質程序手冊第4.0版「供應商評估與商情管理作業程序」(2018)。
3.某軍事工廠ISO 9001品質程序手冊第4.0版「採購文件審核與管制作業程序」(2018)。
4.某軍事工廠ISO 9001品質程序手冊第4.0版「採購作業程序」(2018)。
