  • 學位論文


Effect of typhoon on water quality and amount of environmental microorganism in the catchment of Tseng-Wen Reservoir : A case study of typhoon MATMO

指導教授 : 廖健森


水為人類賴以生存所不可或缺的重要資源之一,在臺灣,水庫為水資源保存的重要角色,亦為重要之民生用水來源,水庫集水區水源之優劣將直接衝擊人民的基本生活需求,為確保人民的用水安全及健康,探討颱風事件是否造成水庫集水區之水源污染,是個相當重要的課題。 有鑑於此,本研究係以2014年2月至2015年1月,共計12個月期間,針對臺灣庫容量最大之曾文水庫與其集水區,進行水質與水中環境微生物之監測分析,並觀察於麥德姆颱風襲臺時,其對於水庫集水區水質與微生物數量所產生的衝擊與變化。研究結果顯示,比對平日與麥德姆颱風襲臺時之水質與環境微生物數量變化,得知颱風期間顯著受到影響之分析項目有:磷酸鹽、溶解性有機碳、大腸桿菌群、大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌以及總菌數,並比對颱風襲臺時之雨量與流量,發現這些項目的變化皆與雨量及流量有密切關係。颱風期間水中微生物、磷酸鹽及溶解性有機碳均有明顯上升之現象,推測可能與雨水沖刷集水區兩岸土壤,並加上水流加速,上游大量微生物與養分沖刷至河川中下游有關。透過主成份分析結果,可以證明上述之分析結果,麥德姆颱風影響曾文水區集水區水質與水中微生物之最主要因子,為「營養元素磷酸鹽及溶解性有機碳,以及分析的四種水中環境微生物」。此研究成果可提供水庫於未來之管理與污染來源控管上,作為研究的參考資料與指標。


Water is an essential resource for human to exist. In Taiwan, reservoirs play an important role in the storage of water resource; besides, they are also the major source for people's daily use. Therefore, the headwaters of the reservoir watersheds directly influence people's basic needs of daily living. In order to make sure people's daily water use is safe and healthy, researching and analyzing whether typhoon events cause the water pollution in the reservoir watersheds is a crucial issue. Accordingly, this study focused on the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Watershed, which has the largest storage in Taiwan, with the data collected from February, 2014 to January, 2015. In addition to analyzing the water quality and the environmental microorganisms, this study also observed the impact of Typhoon MATMO on the water quality and the number of microorganisms in the reservoir watershed. The results suggested that, when comparing the period of Typhoon MATMO striking Taiwan with other normal days, there were variations of the water quality and the environmental microorganisms in which the greatly-affected items were as following: phosphate, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coliform group, E. coli, Salmonella spp. and the total bacterial count. From those items mentioned above, we noticed their strong connections with the precipitation and the flow rate. During the typhoon, microorganisms, phosphate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) all upsurged. This phenomenon might be caused by the rainfall washing down soil from two sides of the watershed; furthermore, the accelerating water brought a large number of microorganisms and nutrients from the upper reach of the river to the middle and the lower reaches. Through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we could confirm the results mentioned above, and the key factors which Typhoon MATMO impacted on the water quality and the microorganisms in the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Watershed are nutritive phosphate, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and the other four analyzed environmental microorganisms. These results can provide references and directions for future research on how to administer reservoirs and control pollution sources.


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