  • 學位論文


Study of Kaohsiung MRT

指導教授 : 泰田伊知朗


高雄市都會區大眾捷運系統,簡稱高雄MRT或是高捷,為台灣第二個大眾捷運系統。以高雄市為中心並向外延伸。本系統於1980年計畫,2008年3月9日正式開市營運。現為紅橘兩線。 本論文對於高雄市是如何與捷運之間相互結合之研究。首先討論從1999年高雄捷運開發契約至2017年的開發狀況。再來介紹台灣鐵路的地下化及高雄輕軌系統。接著報告將來作為高雄捷運系統一部分的台鐵高雄段、高雄輕軌及捷運黃線。 再來,針對現今高雄捷運紅橘兩線的車站當中,選出10個特色車站作介紹。將車站當中及周遭的各個設施及商家等作介紹。最後並真的各車站的使用量作探討。 接著,將至今為止高雄市政府與高雄捷運公司所合辦的活動三成三類作介紹。分別為當地活動、動漫相關活動及國際合作活動。並針對活動與高捷使用量作探討。 最後探討高雄市由工業都市轉為觀光都市的今天,高雄捷運在這當中扮演了一個什麼樣的角色。


Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System which is known as Kaohsiung MRT is the second Rapid Transit System and the first Rapid Transit System connecting to airport in Taiwan. Kaohsiung MRT is Kaohsiung city as the center and service to the suburbs of Kaohsiung. This system was planned in 1980 and finished in 3rd of March 2008. Now, Kaohsiung MRT is two line which is red and orange line. The study is writing how Kaohsiung MRT connects to the Kaohsiung city. First, it researches the building situation of Kaohsiung MRT from 1999 to 2017. And introduce the Taiwan railway and Kaohsiung light rail. Then, report the Taiwan railway, Kaohsiung light rail and the yellow line of Kaohsiung MRT in the future. Second, it introduces the ten of special station of Kaohsiung MRT red and orange line. Introduce the facilities and shops by the stations. And research the number of users for the station. Third, introduce the events organized by Kaohsiung government and Kaohsiung MRT company. And classified as location event, animation event and international event. And researches the number of users for the event. Last, research Kaohsiung MRT what the character in Kaohsiung city where from industry city to traveling city now.


3. 張寧、蔡雅惠(2016)「提升高雄捷運運量之研究:多元利害關係人之觀點」『商略學報』第8卷、第1号、pp.55-76
4. 陳怡靜(2014)『影響捷運運量之探討-以高雄捷運為例』
1. 劉子利、曾瓊慧(2010)「高捷通車對高雄地區的觀光衝擊之影響」『2010運動科學暨休閒遊憩管理學術研討論文集』、pp.63-75
2. 劉淑惠、吳連賞(2010)『高雄捷運場站與周邊商業活動發展分析』

