  • 學位論文

因應水域遊憩活動之海巡單位執行救生救難任務之研究 - 以岸際救生為例

Research on the Task of Rescuing Life - Saving Aid from the Coast Guard in the Water Recreational Activities - Take the Example of Shore Life Saving

指導教授 : 吳有龍


臺灣天然的環海環境孕育著豐沛海洋生態資源,具有雄厚發展水域遊憩活動的機會,隨著國家發展政策,開放海岸管制與濱海遊憩區設置,民眾從事水域遊憩活動日益普遍;另政府為建置完善的水域遊憩供需價值鏈,歷年來推動「泳起來」、「打造運動島」等專案計畫,惟推動水域遊憩活動各項資源整合不易,致親水教育難以落實,溺水事件仍不斷攀升。 近年因全球暖化與氣候變遷、各項建設造成水文丕變、開放水域潛藏礁石漩渦暗流,加上人民意識抬頭,即使已設立公告標示之危險水域,卻時有民眾闖入,或於天候海象不佳仍從事水域活動之民眾,均使救溺案件頻傳,不但使災害防救人員疲於奔命、耗費國家資源,更造成社會重大輿論,影響政府整體形象,顯見政府應更積極制定相關政策與落實安全管理。依據《災害防救法》及《水域遊憩活動管理辦法》規定,交通部為海難中央災害防救業務主管機關;另水域遊憩活動視遊憩轄區範圍,由特定管理機關或直轄市、縣(市)政府負責管理。海岸巡防署雖非管理機關,惟海難搜救為法定職掌,亦責無旁貸。 本研究從國內相關法令、國際搜救規範、海難搜救體制及海巡搜救作業程序為基礎文獻,透過受訪者訪談過程中獲得資料,探究海巡機關協助管理機關維護水域活動安全暨基層單位執行岸際救生任務運作情形。歸納分析水域管理機關應主動積極掌控所轄水域遊憩活動安全管理,以防杜風險因子,另我國法令應明確律定岸際救生權責機關,除明確責任歸屬,更利機關依法定執掌編列救援能量預算,進而與地方機關及民間救生救難團體資源整合運用,發揮最大為民服務效能。


The coastal environment of our mother nature Taiwan supports plentiful ocean organism and natural resources. It’s has lot of Advantages to development of water activity. Due to the national development policy changes, the forbidden of coasts has been canceled and the government set up many marine recreation activities buildings. Peoples come to beach more often than before. The government organizes many plans to make sure children can learn how to swimming but it’s a difficult mission to integrate all the departments. That’s the reason why many people drowned. Due to the result of global warming, climate changes and citizen's democracy consciousness rises. Many people drowned because they break into dangerous area or doing marine activity in bad weather. It’s will consume energy of rescue team and deprecate government. According to “Disaster Prevention and Protection Act” and “Law of Water-base. Recreation Management”. The R.O.C Ministry of Transportation and Communications is in charge of rescue and local government in charge of regional planning. Although the Coast Guard Administration is not responsible for marine rescue, they also in charge of shipwreck rescue. This research is based on R.O.C decree, International decree, shipwreck rescue rules and C.G.A rescue rules. By obtain information through interviews with basic units and analyze all the risk of marine recreation activities to prevent tragedy happened. The government should be amending the law to separate responsibility of marine. It’s not only beneficial to budgeting but also combine resources to make public services maximum.


