  • 學位論文


Research on the Factors Influencing International Students to Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡明智


面對21世紀全球化,高等教育在社會始終具有重要之國際層面,近年來臺灣政府不斷強調全球化、大學國際化推動,招收國際學生也已成為教育部重要政策,而國際化是提升學生與學校競爭力的雙贏策略。廣大招收國際學生,無論是海外僑生、學位生、華語生、交流生或短期培訓學生對高等教育國際化發展皆有正面影響。這些境外學生飄洋過海來到臺灣,接受臺灣高等教育的理由是甚麼? 在與許多國家無論是語文、獎助學金金額、工作機會、文化、氣候及生活技能等條件相比之下,在國際學生心目中臺灣有哪些優勢吸引他們選擇就讀? 這些優勢是否運用於臺灣高等教育招收國際生策略;經過暸解國際生的想法進而更強化這些臺灣既有的條件,並對於較弱勢的地方做出改善。 本研究以國際學生為研究對象,瞭解國際學生對就讀學校及學校所在地,無形及有形因素之重視度、國際學生對就讀學校及學校所在地無形及有形因素之認知程度,以及探討國際學生就讀學校及學校所在地之無形及有形因素對學生就學之滿意度及忠誠度之影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,問卷共發放185份,回收有效問卷共計170份,在彙整資料後運用SPSS統計軟體進行分析及統計。研究結果顯示: 一、無形因素之國際聲望、教學品質、職涯發展及有形因素之國際課程對學生就學之滿意度有顯著正向影響。 二、滿意度對學生就學之忠誠度有顯著正向影響。 三、無形因素之職涯發展、有形因素之國際課程及滿意度對學生就學之忠誠度有顯著正向影響。


In face of the globalizing trend in the 21st century, higher education represents an important area of internationalization in a society. Taiwan government has consistently emphasized the need to promote globalization and internationalization of universities in recent years. Admitting international students has become an important policy for the Ministry of Education, and internationalization represents a win-win strategy for enhancing both students’ and universities’ competitiveness. Increasing the admission of international students, be them overseas Chinese students, undergraduate students, Chinese language students, exchange students, or short-term training students, has a positive influence on internationalizing development of higher education. For what reasons do these students come all the way across the sea to Taiwan to receive Taiwanese higher education? Comparing Taiwan with many other countries in terms of language, scholarship amount, job opportunity, culture, climate, and life skills, etc., what are the advantages of Taiwan that entice international students to choose to study here? Are these advantages being drawn on to form international student admission strategies for Taiwan’s higher education? The researcher sought to probe into international students’ thoughts, and hence further reinforce these established advantages of Taiwan. Improvement would also be made for relatively disadvantaged regions. International students are the subject of this study, which tries to understand the level of emphasis international students place on the tangible and intangible factors relating to the school and location of school, and their level of awareness of such tangible and intangible factors, as well as these tangible and intangible factors’ impact on international students’ level of satisfaction with and level of loyalty to their study. Questionnaire survey was conducted in the study, with a total of 185 questionnaires being given out, and 170 valid responses received. After collecting and sorting out the data, SPSS was used for statistical analysis. Research results showed that: 1.The tangible and intangible factors have a significant positive influence on students’ level of satisfaction with their study. 2.Level of satisfaction has a significant positive influence on students’ level of loyalty to their study. 3.The tangible and intangible factors and level of satisfaction have a significant positive influence on students’ level of loyalty to their study.


劉宗 哲、陳嘉旻,2006,顧客忠誠與其前置變項之關係-以量販店為例。經營管理論叢,第2卷第2期,頁39-59。
