  • 學位論文


NFC Mobile Payment with Smart Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 楊伏夷


近年來,由於網際網路的快速發展和個人電腦的普及化,人們漸漸使用電子商務所提供的各種服務,然而電子現金和電子支票較為一般大眾所接受,主要由於消費者不需攜帶大量金錢,只需透過網際網路就可以完成交易,而且每一筆交易都保有完整交易紀錄,可供消費者查詢消費紀錄。 本篇論文中,我們設計一個結合近端通訊的行動付費系統,建置於智慧型裝置上,我們採用智慧型裝置來模擬現今悠遊卡系統的架構,讓消費者可以將提領的電子現金利用發卡中心代理人將其充值於智慧型裝置中,當消費者帳戶額度不足時,可以使用智慧型裝置直接充值,而不需要到發卡中心所提供的定點來進行充值,可以提升消費者使用的意願和方便性。 在本篇論文的協定執行效率上,採用後門雜湊函數運算系統,將其區分成線上計算和離線計算,較為龐大的簽章運算和驗證階段皆可以在離線階段完成,而線上階段只需一次的整數乘法運算,較以往的方法而言,我們的協定擁有更佳的線上計算效率,可以大幅減少行動裝置的運算量,因此我們所提出的協定更適合應用於行動裝置上。


Recently, owing to the rapid progress of the Internet and information technologies, people use various services provided by E-commerce gradually. Electronic cash and electronic check have widely accepted due to the customer can achieve the whole transactions through the Internet instead of carrying plenty of money. Moreover, every transaction will keep the complete records into database for inquiring. In this thesis, we design the NFC mobile payment with smart mobile devices; we adopt the smart mobile device to simulate the Easy card system. The customer uses card issuer agent to recharge the withdrawal amount into smart mobile device. When the balance of customer’s account is deficient, they can recharge with smart mobile device instead of recharging spot. It can enhance the usability and convenience. We used the trapdoor hash function in our protocol. The computational cost can divide into on-line and off-line computation. The larger computational cost for signature generation and authentication can be achieved in off-line phase, however, the on-line phase only need one integer multiplication. For the existing protocols, our protocol not only has better efficiency of on-line computation but also reducing the burden of mobile devices. Therefore, our system is suitable for the mobile devices.


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