  • 學位論文


Research on Methodology Construction of Lean Innovation Strategy Maps

指導教授 : 林均燁


台灣在80年代曾經靠著勞力密集的傳統產業創造出經濟奇蹟。90年代,資本密集的高科技產業擁有世界級水準的製造與工程能力,並因此搭上了資訊時代的順風車。然而,在全球化與網際網路的推波助瀾之下,製造業的微利時代正式來到,微笑曲線理論是這個時代的產物。但是,不論朝向創新研發或是品牌行銷都必須有高品質的製造作為企業發展的根基。 台灣憑藉著高度組織整合,依賴人力便宜與趕工文化的快速跟隨式創新,得以競爭至此。但是這樣的獲利有限、而且辛苦至極。若要擺脫這種宿命,企業應該把重點放在顧客價值極大化及企業成本極小化的價值主張上。當組織學習、知識創造與創新已然變成主導競爭的優勢能力時,組織需要有創新的系統性流程、工具與方法能夠描述、創造與管理無形資產。因此,本論文的研究動機一是釐清精實、創新,這兩個彼此互為矛盾的概念如何同時運用。研究動機二則是建構以工作坊操作方式的創新策略地圖。 本研究採取行動研究的方法來記錄與觀察操作過程。研究對象包括個人到組織,總共進行三次的實驗,以實際操作改善的過程作為研究分析的依據。為了加強精實創新的實證性,本研究整合系統性思考的學習型組織為基礎,並以平衡計分卡、策略地圖作為平台架構,運用創新思考的推力與拉力以及設計思考以人為本的中心思想,藉由發散與收斂的交互作用,融合精實思考的方式而建構出精實創新流程。本研究預期可以產出一個方法流程以協助組織,建構出以客戶為中心又兼顧成本的精實創新策略地圖。


In the 1980s, Taiwan had created an economic miracle relying on labor-intensive traditional industries. In the 1990s, capital-intensive high-tech industry held a world-class manufacturing and engineering capabilities, and thus hitched the ride to the information age. However, manufacturing industries in the low-profit era officially came under the waves of globalization and the internet technology. The smile curve theory is the product of this era. Nevertheless, high-quality manufacturing is the strong foundation for industries to develop toward innovative R&D and branding/marketing. By virtue of a high degree of organizational integration, and fast followed innovation based on low-cost manpower and rush labor culture, Taiwan has come this far. However, the profit is very limited, but the labor is extremely hard. To get rid of such a fate, enterprise shall focus on the value proposition of customer value maximization and enterprise cost minimization. When organizational learning, knowledge creation and innovative has become an advantageous capability for leading competitiveness, organizations need a systematic process, tools and methods for innovation in order to describe, create and manage intangible assets. Therefore, the motivation of the thesis is, at first, to clarify how two conflicting concepts; lean and innovation; can be used at the same time. The second motivation is to construct a methodology of innovation strategy map which can be operated in the way of workshop format. This study adopts the method of action research to record and observe operation process. Study objects include individuals and organizations. Three experiments are deployed. Actual operation and improving processes are used as the basis for the innovation process analysis. In order to emphasize the empirical characteristics of lean innovation, this research integrates systemic-thinking learning organization as the foundation, takes balanced scorecard and strategy map as the platform architecture, utilizes the push and pull forces in innovative thinking and the human-centered concept in design thinking, goes through the interaction of divergence and convergence, and fuses with lean thinking to construct lean innovation process. The constructed process is expected to help organizations creating customer values and reduce innovation cost at the same time.


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