  • 學位論文


Comparison on the Agricultural Product Certification Systems and Production Regulations in Taiwan and Other Regions

指導教授 : 錢偉鈞


食安管理是目前全球性關注的問題,土地永續、環境保護的議題也隨之逐漸浮上檯面。也正因食安的危機,促使近幾年來,有機農業在全球呈現穩健成長的趨勢,在台灣產銷履歷及有機農產品也越來越受到青睞。目前台灣除了在大型賣場或連鎖超市設置有機專櫃外,還創造出兼具環保、食安與休閒等多元功能的有機農場。每年在台北世貿展區也都專門設有「素食及有機食品區」,有機農產品市場及相關產業,儼然成為一股新興的流行風潮,商機無限。 目前國際認證論壇(IAF)已將GLOBAL G.A.P. 納入IAF多邊相互承認協議(MLA),凡經GLOBAL G.A.P. 驗證通過之農產品,將可行銷全球。雖然台灣在2007年已開始推動「台灣良好農業規範 (TGAP)」,但實施多年以來,TGAP生產規範及驗證制度一直無法與全球良好農業規範(GLOBAL G.A.P.) 接軌。甚至GLOBAL G.A.P. 驗證方案,在台灣因未能普遍性的推廣,致使通過該方案符合性評鑑之驗證機構數寥寥無幾。因此台灣TGAP 產銷履歷產品要推向國際與其接軌,跨入全球化貿易,目前尚有許多努力的空間。 本研究以台灣與其他地區為比較主體,進行農產品驗證方案(包含生產規範及驗證制度)暨符合性規範之差異分析,期望藉由其差異探尋,對驗證制度和生產規範在發展方向和推動策略提出建議;並檢視目前台灣農產品生產與執行驗證方案面臨之風險、困境,與所需之資源,提供主管單位及有機驗證機構執行驗證作業及發展規畫之參考。


Nowadays, the management of the food safety is one of the most concerned issues globally. The public begin to pay attention to the importance of land sustainability and environment protection. At the meanwhile, under the influence of food safety incidents, organic crop market has shown steady growth over the past few years. The agricultural products with traceability, including organic certification, have been favored by consumers. Supermarkets with organic agricultural counter and organic farms providing safe agricultural products and leisure activities as well have become all the rage in Taiwan. This trend shows the business potential for organic product market and peripherial industrial sectors. Currently, by GLOBAL G.A.P. has been recognized by the International Accreditation Forum for Multilateral Recognition Arrangement. Any agricultural product that is certified by GLOBAL G.A.P. can be on sale all over the world through IAF members. Since 2007 Taiwan initiated Taiwan Traceability Agricultural Product (TGAP). After all these years, TGAP still cannot be geared to GLOBAL G.A.P. successfully. Only few certified body fulfilled the conformity assessmen. Continuing efforts are necessary to promote the certified agricultural product to the international market. In this study, we compared and analyzed the difference in production regulations and certification systems between Taiwan and other regions. Base on the results, we made suggestions in applying the certification systems to promote the organic agricultural products. We also inspect the risk, dilemma and needs in resources for promoting the certification system to agricultural cultivation that could be taken as a reference for competent authority and certification body for further proposal and policy to promote TGAP in Taiwan.


(1) 期刊
