  • 學位論文

策略性人力資源職能發展系統建構: 組織變革與創造力發展觀點

Competency Development System Building for Strategic Human Resource Management: Based on Viewpoints of Organizational Transformation and Creativity Development

指導教授 : 林均燁


「人是企業最重要的資產」,全球頂尖企業都相當重視透過組織授權與賦能提高組織工作績效進而達成組織目標。在這瞬息萬變的變革型經濟時代經營環境中,人力資源管理更是企業競爭與永續發展的根本關鍵優勢。然而,大多數企業卻因為忽略了人力資源管理與職能發展的重要性,因而在經營流程上問題層出不窮、浪費了大量的組織資源於異常處理工作上。 在另一方面,精實組織發展的目標在於消除各種組織資源浪費,打造人力最少化、效率最大化的組織。因為「事在人為」,精實組織發展的前提條件就是精實的尊重人性、以人為本、從培育人的工作能力與品質意識到養成其具備持續改善思維能力,進而推動創造力發展,打造出全球最高效率的組織。 為了協助企業發展精實組織,本研究採取質性研究方法,以半結構式訪談方法與企業人士探討策略性人力資源與職能發展等議題,並參考人力資源成熟度模型架構、整合策略地圖的方法論,建構出得以用以協助人力資源管理者循序漸進建構組織之策略性人力資源職能發展架構的系統方法。期望藉由本論文之研究,對於企業人力資源管理能量的提升有所貢獻。


“People are the most important assets for a company.” Top companies in the world focus on authorizing and empowering employees to achieve high organizational efficiency and organizational targets. In the fast-changing transformation economy era, human resource management is the fundamental key advantage for enterprise to maintain competitive and even sustainable development. However, most companies still have a lot of problems in their business operation and waste a lot of resources dealing with bunch of deficiencies due to ignoring the importance of human resource management and competence development. On the other hand, the purpose of developing a lean organization is to remove all kinds of waste of organizational resources, and to construct an organization with less people but greatest efficiency. Because "things need to be done by people", the premise of developing a lean organization includes respect of humanity, people-oriented, and promoting creativity development through cultivation of their work competence, quality consciousness, and thinking power of continuous improvement. In order to assist enterprises develop lean organization , qualitative research method is adopted. By going through semi-structured interviews with industrial persons to discover issues regarding strategic human resources and competence development. And then referring to people capability maturity model and strategy map to construct a systematic method for developing competency development system for strategic human resource management in an organization. Hoping that through the study of this topic, the systematic method can contribute to improve competence of human resource management for any company.


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