  • 學位論文


The Elderly Who Participate Volunteer Service in Community Caring Centers:An Analysis of Successful Aging Perspective

指導教授 : 蕭文高 陳斐虹


中文摘要   根據內政部統計資料顯示我國於2018年巳正式進入高齡社會,而平均年齡也來到了80.4歲的新高。老年人如何因應社會變遷所帶來的改變,而可以安身立命且活的有意義,是值得深思的問題。故本研究係以社區照顧關懷據點的11位高齡志工為研究對象,採半結構式的深度訪談,旨在探討高齡者進入據點的選擇、進入據點後遇到的困難及調適以及從服務的過程中獲得的生命意義,最後發展老化目標。   本研究以成功老化之觀點分析高齡者參與據點服務,研究結論如下: 一、高齡者進入據點的選擇受到運用單位邀請、家人鼓勵、朋友邀請及公部門支持四方面的影響。 其中受朋友邀請影響最多,家人鼓勵次之。 二、參與動機分別有個人因素、家庭影響、社會角色轉換及社會服務價值。此部分多著重在個人及 家庭方面,較以往常見的利他型動機不同,可見社會變遷影響價值觀的轉變。 三、因老化而帶給高齡者的改變及損失表現在年齡、生理、心理及家庭四方面,除了生理之內外部 改變外,尚有心理層面產生的諸多感受影響著老年生活。 四、據點高齡志工可以其蘊含於個人的內在特質及外部資源調整在據點遇到的困難。 五、高齡者在據點服務遇到的困難分別來自志工間及服務對象間,而來自志工間的困難主要是對於 相處的磨合及服務的規範及調適,而有些志工表示尚需要面對來自服務對象之家屬的關係建立。 六、高齡志工服務於據點的收獲在心靈、人際、家庭及個人成長四個層面,而損失方面則較少提到。 七、作息的調整及維持健康的身體是高齡者從事志願服務後的改變,認為為了可以持續服務,對於作息及身體健康會留意。 八、據點高齡志工發展出的老化目標為照顧自我安享健康老年及尋求心靈滋養,而後者又可分為安身立命活在當下、做個有價值的人、轉換思考模式及終身學習的志向,邁向更高層次的自我實現。 九、高齡者參與據點志願服務有助於身心靈往成功老化的正向發展,實現老化的目標。   最後,本研究依研究分析及結論對運用單位及個人提出建議,做為日後據點運用志工及個人參與據點服務之參考。 關鍵字:社區照顧、社區照顧關懷據點、志願服務、老化、成功老化


Abstract   According to statistics of Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan officially entered the era of aged society in 2018, and the average age has reached 80.4 years. How the elderly adapts into the changes brought about by social changes, and make a living of meaningful life, is a question worth pondering. Therefore, this research takes 11 senior volunteers from the community caring centers as the research objects, and adopts semi-structured in-depth interviews to analyze the choices of senior citizens to enter the chosen sites, the difficulties and adjustments encountered after entering the sites, and the meaning of life gained during the process of service, and finally the development of aging goals.   This research analyzes the participation of senior citizens in the on-site services based on the perspective of successful aging. The research conclusions are as follows: I. The choice of senior citizens to enter the sites is influenced by the invitation of the center, family encouragement, friend invitation and public sector support. Among them, the most affective factor is friend invitation, and the family encouragement is the second place. II. The motivation for participation includes personal factors, family influence, social role transformation and social service value. This part focuses mainly on the individual and the family. It is different from the altruistic motives that are common in the past; therefore, the social changes effect on the change of values can be seen. III. The changes and losses brought to the elderly due to aging are manifested in four aspects: the age, physiology, psychology and family. In addition to the internal and external changes in the physical state, there are still many psychological feelings that affect the elderly life. IV. On-site elder volunteers can adjust the difficulties encountered on site with their intrinsic qualities and adjustment of external resources. V. The difficulties encountered by the elderly in the service of the site are from the volunteers and the service targets. The difficulties from the volunteers are mainly the standardization and adjustment of the service and the interactions, and some volunteers suggested that they also need to face the establishment of relationship with the family of the target. VI. The accomplishment of senior volunteers serving on sites is in four levels: spiritual, interpersonal, family and personal growth, while losses are less mentioned. VII. Adjustments to work and rest and maintaining a healthy body are changes in the elderly after volunteer service. They believe that in order to be able to continue to serve, they will pay attention to their own daily routines and health. VIII. The aging goal of the old-age volunteers is to take care of themselves to enjoy healthy old age and seek spiritual nourishment. The latter can be divided into the goals of living in the present, being a valuable person, transforming thinking mode and lifelong learning to a higher level of self-realization. IX. Senior citizens participate in the volunteer service of the sites to help the body and mind to the positive development of successful aging, to achieve the goal of aging.   In conclusion, this study proposes suggestions on the use of units and individuals based on research analysis and conclusions, as a reference for the use of volunteers and individuals to participate in the service centers in the future. Key Words: Community care, community caring centers, volunteer service, aging, successful aging


內政部統計處(2018)。內政統計通報。取自https:// www.moi.gov.tw/files/news_file/107年第38週內政統計通報_生命表_1.pdf
