  • 學位論文


A Study on the Participation of the Elder Adults to the Service- Learning and the Life Meaning – A Example from Senior Volunteers of Active Aging Center

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


本研究旨在探討高齡者參與服務學習經驗及其對生命意義之看法,據此本研究之研究目的如下:一、探討高齡者參與服務學習的動機及內涵。二、瞭解高齡者參與服務學習的收穫。三、瞭解高齡者參與服務學習對生命意義的影響。本研究採質性研究,對三位樂齡學習示範中心的自主服務學習班之高齡志工為進行深度訪談。 本研究經資料分析獲得以下結論: 一、高齡者參與服務學習的動機涵蓋多元,包括親友鼓勵、奉獻社會、政府有效推動高齡人力服務政策等項目。 二、高齡者透過曲笛表演,用音樂與老人交流,提昇服務學習的效能,並創造利己利他的雙贏目標。 三、高齡者透過服務學習充權展能、肯定自我,獲得心靈滿足與精神快樂。 四、高齡者藉由服務學習增進人際互動、轉化成正向的老化態度。 五、高齡者視服務學習為人生使命,在實踐中自我實現及超越,獲得生命新意義。 六、高齡者透過服務學習歷程轉化正向積極的人生觀,找到生命的真善美。 七、高齡者經由服務學習之歷練,能珍惜生命把握當下,坦然面對接納死亡。 並根據本研究之結論,分別對高齡者、高齡服務學習者、高齡教育機構、及未來研究者提出建議。


生命意義 服務學習 高齡者


The object of this study is to investigate the views of elder adults who take part in the service- learning and the life meaning. The objects of the study are as follows.(1)To probe the contents and the motivations of the elder adults taking part in the service- learning. (2)To understand the acquirements they have from the service- learning.(3)To understand the influences that the service-learning and the life meaning have on those elder adults. The qualitative research had a profound and insightful interview with the three senior volunteers from the active aging learning center. After organizing and analyzing the interview information, the conclusions are found as follows: 1.The motivations of the elder adults taking part in the service- learning , including the encouragements of their friends and families ,the devotion to the society, the government effectively promoting the policy of the humanresource of seniors ,covered multiply and wildly. 2.The elder adults improve the effectiveness of the service learning and created the goal of the win- win to themselves and others through playing the recorder and communicating with the elders with music. 3.The service- learning enables the elder adults to put their skills into practice and obtain a self- affirmation ,and to have a spiritual fulfillment ,mental happiness 4.The elder adults improve their interpersonal relation with others and reverse the attitude toward aging by the service- learning. 5.The elder adults regard the service-learning as a mission of their lifetime as to acquire a fulfillment of themselves and a new meaning to their life 6.With the experiences of the service-learning, the elder adults are able to have a positive view to their life . 7.The experiences of service learning make them treasure their life and seize the day and face with the death calmly and without fear. Some suggestions made for the elder adults, the senior learners of the service learning and the organization of the elder education and the future researchers based on the conclusion of the research.


life meaning service-learing elder adults




