  • 學位論文


Middle-aged Participants Experiences in Service-Learning–Case Studied at Active Aging Centers in Chiayi City

指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究旨在瞭解嘉義市東區及西區2所樂齡學習中心的中高齡志工參與服務學習的經驗,探究中高齡志工透過學習,將所學貢獻服務於社會。本研究目的如下: 一、瞭解中高齡志工參與服務學習的動機。 二、探討中高齡志工服務學習的學習經驗。 三、分析中高齡志工服務學習的成長與改變。 四、根據研究結果提出建議,作為高齡教育機構之參考。 為達以上目的,本研究採質性研究,以半結構式訪談方式,針對六位中高齡志工,經過訪談紀錄、逐字稿編碼、主題分析的詮釋,得到以下的結論: 一、中高齡志工參與服務學習動機多元,主要動機是:滿足自我、創造價值、與拓展人際關係。 二、中高齡志工透過正式學習將機構課程、政府培訓等課程延伸貢獻服務;透過非正式學習將經驗、觀察、團隊學習,藉由同儕互助、合作學習培養默契,吸收他人的優點。 三、中高齡志工獲得專業知識,由學習者轉變為貢獻者,對團隊服務產生榮譽感。 四、中高齡志工透過個人的經驗與互動,願意改變自己,遇到問題會思考解決,以自我導向的學習方式找到出路。 五、中高齡志工透過同儕團隊學習,培養團隊默契,讓志工有歸屬感,彼此互惠,減少挫折產生。 六、中高齡志工體會活在當下的快樂,能夠貢獻付出的價值感,人生觀轉變,以身教影響家人,改善家庭關係。 七、中高齡志工在服務經驗中肯定自己的能力,在學習中持續服務,落實了終身學習的理念,讓志工不斷的學習、改變、增能。 從以上結論建議參與服務學習的中高齡志工能保持正向積極態度,持續充權展能,以增強服務學習動力,與同儕保持良好互動,以促進自我的學習;對樂齡中心的建議,鼓勵組成社群,分享服務經驗,鼓勵更多中高齡志工參與服務學習,增加夥伴,透過定期志工培訓,讓資深志工傳承經驗,讓團隊更加緊密,與大專院校進行服務學習方案,有助世代交流;對未來研究的建議:與運用單位合作,擬定服務學習的方案進行研究,深入探討,可再針對訪談對象如何運用所學,如何在服務中是否有效運用,個人貢獻了甚麼給服務的人予以探討,可採用質量並重的研究方式,以蒐集更多研究資料。 關鍵字:中高齡志工、服務學習


This study aims to understand the young-elderly participants’ experiences in service-learning at two Active Aging Centers, the Eastern and the Western districts of Chiayi City, and to investigate the progress of their contribution to the community. The purpose of this study are as follows: 1.To understand the motivation of young-elderly participants’ service-learning. 2.To explore the young-elderly participants’ experience in service-learning. 3.To analyze the progress of the young-elderly participants’ changes after service-learning. 4.To make recommendations based on the research results as the elder educational institutions’ reference. To achieve the above purposes, this study adopted qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews with six young-elderly participants. After recording the interviews, the researcher encoded the transcripts, and interpreted the analysis. Conclusions derived from the research findings are: 1. The young-elderly volunteers participate in service-learning with various motives for diverse purposes. The main motives include: to fulfill themselves, to create value, and to expand relationships 2. The young-elderly volunteers contribute themselves in the services through formal learning from organization programs or government training courses and through informal learning from their experiences, observation, team learning, peer mutual assistance, cooperative learning, or absorbing the advantages of others. 3. The elderly volunteers acquire specialized knowledge, turn to be contributors from learners, and achieve the sense of honor through team services. 4. The young-elderly volunteers, through personal experience and interaction, are willing to change, and solve the problems by consideration and self-directed learning. 5. The young-elderly volunteers achieve the sense of belonging through peer team learning to cultivate the team tacit understanding, so that the volunteers benefit each other and reduce the setbacks. 6. The young-elderly volunteers experience the joy of living in the moment, the sense of contribution value, transition of life view, and lead their families by example so as to improve the family relationships. 7. The young-elderly volunteers approve their abilities, continue the service in learning, which implement the concept of lifelong learning that constant learning makes changing and energizing. According to the above conclusions, the researcher would propose several suggestions: (1). For the young-elderly volunteers, to maintain a positive attitude and continue empowering in service-learning will promote self-learning and good interaction with peers; (2). For Active Aging centers, to encourage the formation of communities and to share service experiences will encourage more young-elderly participants to involve in service-learning. Recruiting new members, regular volunteer training, and cooperating with colleges to conduct voluntary programs will pass on the quality experiences of senior volunteers and help generations exchange; (3). For the future studies: To cooperate with the practice organizations in developing service-learning programs so as to investigate further how the interviewees apply what they have learned to their voluntary services, how effective application they may practice, and what the volunteers may contributed to the people being served. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches can be applied to collect more research data. Keywords: the young-elderly volunteer, service-learning


