  • 學位論文


Commercial Disability and Long-Term Care Insurance for Senior Citizen Purchase Intention in Aged Society

指導教授 : 余祖慰


台灣高齡化速度冠於全球,2025年高齡人口數將達到20%比重,跨越超高齡社會門檻,2060年將突破41.6%,宣告「銀髮經濟」時代正式來臨。銀髮樂齡安養與長照照顧的關注,已慢慢成為政府與全民共同學習課題,「65歲以後的你想過怎樣的生活?)這個問題不只存在60歲的族群身上,也同時存在在40-50歲族群上,因為40-50的青壯族群正背負著「我要怎麼讓我父母過自己想過的生活?我有辦法照顧生病的他們嗎?」這樣的甜蜜負荷將會成為大家的功課。 目前台灣普遍對高齡人口的健康,生活,家庭,財務等相關安養規劃尚在萌芽階段,銀髮樂齡安養與長照失能照顧的關注,已慢慢成為政府與全民共同學習課題,本研究主要目的為探討高齡社會民眾對商業失能與照顧保險購買意圖,從行銷策略觀點探討國人對購買商業保險購買意圖和提供相關建議給保險業和政府未來經營及監理做為參考。本研究一共發放110份問卷,有效問卷共103份,以及透過深度訪談瞭解到民眾對失能與長期照顧保險是有一定瞭解的,但大多數消費者不願花太多金錢於投保失能與長期照顧保險可以建議政府和保險公司應該多多推廣失能照顧保險的知識,讓民眾能夠對投保失能照顧保險的意願提升。


Taiwan's aging rate is the highest in the world. In 2025, the number of senior citizens will account for 20% of the total population, crossing the threshold of a super-aged society. In 2060, the proportion of senior citizens will reach 41.6% to signify the official arrival of the "Silver Economy" era. The concern about long-term care for silver-haired senior citizens has gradually become a topic that both the government and all the people must care about. "What kind of life do you want to live after the age of 65?" This problem is not only prevalent in the 60-year-old group, but also existent in the 40-to-50-year-old group, as these people need to shoulder the sweet burden of taking care of their parents and often think about "How can I make my parents live the life they want?” and “Do I have the ability to take care of them when they are ill?" At present, the security programs in Taiwan that aim to take care of the health, life, family and finance of senior citizens are still in its infancy. Thus, the concern about long-term care for the silver-haired senior citizens has gradually become a topic that both the government and all the people must care about. The main purpose of this study is to explore the intentions of senior citizens to purchase commercial insurance policies that aim to take care of them when they are disabled. From the perspective of marketing strategy, this study discusses the purchase intention of commercial insurance and provide relevant suggestions on future operation of the insurance industry and supervision by the government. A total of 110 questionnaires were distributed for this study, and among them 103 valid questionnaires were obtained. Through in-depth interviews, we learned that people have some understanding of disability and long-term care insurance, but most consumers do not want to spend too much money on such insurance. Therefore, this study suggests that the government and insurance companies should promote knowledge of the disability and long-term care insurance, so as to increase the willingness of the public to purchase the disability and long-term care insurance.


