  • 學位論文


Destination Image and Revisit Intension of Tourists : A case study of Sanyi Township in Miaoli County

指導教授 : 黃有傑


三義位於苗栗最南端,擁有相當豐富的旅遊資源與文化,意象以鮮明的木雕技藝、舊山線鐵道文化、客家文化及國際慢城等呈現。旅遊目的地意象具有溝通、宣傳與行銷功能,可協助遊客考慮、選擇與決定他們所想要的旅遊目的地,且目的地意象對遊客重遊意願及推薦他人產生正向影響。 本研究旨在探討遊客對三義目的地意象與重遊意願之關係,以問卷方式進行調查,對象以三義遊客為研究樣本,共發放460份問卷,有效問卷為428份。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現:(1)遊客對於三義目的地意象以歷史文化意象感受最為強烈。(2)遊客對三義慢城意象的呈現認同且感受度高。(3)遊客對三義重遊意願度高。(4)遊客社經背景及旅遊特性對目的地意象與重遊意願具有顯著影響。(5)三義目的地意象以慢城意象對重遊意願影響關係最高。


客家文化 木雕文化 慢城 舊山線


Located at the southernmost part of Miaoli, Sanyi has a great deal of touristic resources and culture. The image of Sanyi is represented with distinctive wood carving techniques, old mountain railway culture, Hakka culture and as an international slow city. The concept of travel destination consists of functions of communication, publicity and marketing, helping visitors to judge, choose and decide the destination they want, and also, the destination image has a positive impact on the willingness of visitors to revisit and recommend other people to come.The purpose of this study is to conduct research on the relationship between the image of Sanyi destination and the willingness of visitors to revisit. The survey was conducted with questionnaires. The subjects of questionnaire in this study are the Sanyi tourists. A total of 460 questionnaires were distributed and 428 valid questionnaires were collected. Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, single-factor variance analysis and regression analysis were used in the study.According to the results of study: (1) Tourists have the strongest impression of historical and cultural aspects regarding the image of Sanyi destination. (2) Tourists agree with the image of slow city in Sanyi and have the highest sensitivity for it. (3) Tourists have the high willingness to revisit Sanyi. (4) The social backgrounds and travel characteristics of the tourist have a significant impact on the image of destination as well as the willingness to revisit Sanyi. (5) The image of Sanyi destination as a slow city has the strongest influence on the willingness of tourist to revisit Sanyi.


