  • 學位論文


A Study of Chain Fast Food Restaurant Children's Meal

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:隨著時代的進步、家庭結構飲食型態改變,使得國人外食比率增加,便利快速的連鎖速食餐飲業也蓬勃發展,在台灣的連鎖速食餐廳也以孩子為主體,設計多種以兒童考量的專屬餐點。然而,一些研究指出餐廳兒童餐提供之內容物多數仍以雞塊、薯條等速食為主,因此熱量容易超過建議標準,其中更蘊含高油、高鈉等問題,且蔬果量提供不足。本研究研究目的為了解台灣連鎖速食餐廳兒童餐餐點內容、六大類食物以及熱量及營養素狀況。 研究方法:本研究以隨機抽樣台中市有提供兒童餐之3家連鎖速食餐廳為研究對象。研究者收集兒童餐餐點並進行秤重,分析兒童餐餐點內容與營養成分,了解其連鎖速食餐廳之兒童餐現況。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示,連鎖速食餐廳兒童餐餐點訂價約落在51-100元之間。兒童餐點多以提供炸雞塊、薯條等油炸類速食,餐點副餐多數會搭配汽水、奶茶及100%柳橙汁等。兒童餐點其平均脂肪、鈉及維生素C之供應高於1/3 DRIs(Dietary Reference Intakes)﹔鈣、鐵、鋅、維生素E、B1、B6低於1/3 DRIs建議量。六大類食物之平均供應量為不均衡,且蔬菜類、乳品類及水果類皆低於每日飲食指南之建議標準。 結論:連鎖速食餐廳所提供之兒童餐點,其平均熱量供應低於1/3DRIs,六大類食物供應不均。連鎖速食餐廳可多供應新鮮的蔬果類,及減少供應油炸食物及含糖飲料,使幼兒能夠攝取均衡營養,以促進幼兒健康之成長。


Background: With the advancements in technology, the changes in family structure and eating habits, so the ratio of Taiwanese people dining out has increased. Therefore, the convenient fast food chain stores wildly spread their branches in Taiwan. Most fast food chain restaurants in Taiwan designed several custom meals for kids. However, some studies had shown that such fast food the fast food restaurants specially designed for kids mainly contains chicken nuggets and fries, and the amount of calories in those meals easily exceeds the recommended calorie amount. There were problems such as containing too much oil and sodium and lacking vegetables among those kids’ meals. The purpose of this study explored the contents, the six food types, the calories and the nutrients in most kids’ meals in Taiwan fast food chain restaurants. Methods: This study conducted random sampling among 3 fast food chain restaurants in Taichung City that offer kids’ meals. The researcher collected kids’ meals from these restaurants and records the weight, the contents, and the nutrients of these meals for analyzing the data. Results: This study showed that the price of the kids’ meals ranges between NT$51 and NT$100. Most meals came with fried fast food, such as chicken nuggets and fries, with a choice of different beverages like soda, milk tea, 100% pure orange juice. The content among these meals like mean fat, sodium and vitamin C were 1/3 were higher than the recommended dietary reference intakes (DRIs), whereas the content of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin B1, and vitamin B6 were 1/3 were lower than the recommended DRIs. The supply of the six categories food was unbalance and the supply of vegetables, dairy products and fruits were lower than the recommended daily dietary guidance. Conclusion: The average calories among the kids’meals offered by the fast food chain restaurants is 1/3 lower than the DRIs, and the supply of six major food types was not balanced. Therefore, fast food chain restaurants were suggested to provide kids’ meals with fresh vegetables and fruits and reduce the amount of fried food and sugary beverages. This enables children to acquire balanced nutrients and grow up healthily.


Kai-Meng, K., Fu, L., & Ye-Xuan, T. (2017). The presence and accuracy of nutritional labelling of pre-packaged foods in Shanghai. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 26(3), 478-483.
