  • 學位論文


A Study of Senior''s Dynamic Process on the Leisure Experience-Take Trail Hiking for Example

指導教授 : 徐茂練 洪伯毅


近年來,觀光業者為了因應銀髮族這塊潛在市場而不斷開發不同的休閒場所,如:養生村、銀髮族休閒俱樂部等,銀髮族也開始重視休閒活動的品質,並且希望藉由不同的休閒體驗來豐富他們的生活。過去,休閒體驗的研究甚多,但鮮少學者針對銀髮族做相關的研究。在銀髮族的休閒市場逐漸擴大下,探討銀髮族的休閒體驗,應該是一個很好的時機。 本研究的目的在深入了解銀髮族對休閒體驗的內容如何解釋。為了達到研究目的,本研究針對8名經常健行的銀髮族做為研究對象,並利用紮根理論及符號互動論來當作主要的研究方法及理論架構。研究結果顯示銀髮族在從事步道健行時,會產生不同的休閒行為,對體驗的內容也有不同的解釋。其主要的深層體驗內容為健康意識、美學價值、學習價值、自我成長、自我信念、家庭價值、朋友價值、高齡迷思。除此之外,研究結果發現不同背景脈絡的銀髮族,會有不同的休閒體驗內容。健康的銀髮族在步道健行時,容易產生品味觀賞的體驗行為。在體驗的過程中,最重視美學價值以及對自我信念的省思。生病的銀髮族在步道健行時,容易產生體能運動的體驗行為。在體驗的過程中,最重視健康意識的提升以及自我成長的實現。除此之外,家庭與健康狀況的交互作用會影響銀髮族的體驗行為,以及對體驗內容有不同的解釋。健康的銀髮族重視品味觀賞的體驗行為。其中,健康有偶的銀髮族,想要抒發自身的情感,最重視學習價值的提升。健康無偶的銀髮族,想要感受美的事物,最重視美學價值的建立。生病的銀髮族重視體能運動的體驗行為。其中,生病有偶的銀髮族,希望藉由規律的運動來提升健康意識。生病無偶的銀髮族,希望藉由多元的運動安排及自我信念的省思來調整生活的方式。 本研究依據實證的結果,針對不同族群提供具體的休閒方案,希望可以協助觀光業者瞭解銀髮族對於休閒體驗的解釋,以便得知其深層的需求,設計出符合銀髮族的休閒活動。


In recent years, leisure issues regarding seniors have been attached with great importance. The participation of leisure activities has been considered a vital ingredient in achieving a “successful” old age (Silverstein and Parker, 2002). Although existing literature has drawn some perspectives, little is known about seniors’ interpretation of their experience content (Huang, Chang and Roung, 2009). Therefore, the purpose of the study is to deeply investigate senior’s reflections on their innate feelings during trail hiking activities. To achieve the research purpose, eight seniors were chosen to conduct in-depth interview. Moreover, the author applied Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical framework and Grounded Theory to analyze the data. Results showed that four types of experiential behavior were generated during trail hiking activities, including physical exercise, knowledge learning, scenic observation and personal interaction. When seniors undergo experiential behaviors, seniors would introspect on awareness of health, value of aesthetics, value of learning, self-growth, self-belief, concept of family, concept of friend and myths of old age due to different interpretation on the meaning of leisure. In addition, different backgrounds would contribute to immense difference between experience behaviors and the interpretation of leisure experience. Healthy seniors place on scenic observation, value of aesthetic. Ill seniors place on physical exercise, awareness of health, self-growth, concept of family and myths of old age. In particular, the interaction of health and family condition significantly affects seniors’ experiential behavior with their interpretation. While undergoes personal interaction, married seniors with healthiness place on cognition and self-belief. Married seniors with illness place on friend, self-growth and concept of family. While undergoes knowledge learning, single seniors with healthiness place on self-belief. Single seniors with illness place on self-growth. Due to senior’s leisure market yet to be fully developed, the emerging findings hope to assist the tourism industry to foresee senior’s underlying needs and design activities that are suitable for them.


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