  • 學位論文


The Study of Determinants of Financial Institution’s Performance from Asian Emerging Market

指導教授 : 劉定焜


隨著全球化、國際化的趨勢,接踵而來的市場開放,面對外資競爭、購併與經營業務創新及多元化,造成金融產業發生劇烈的變化而呈現出不同的面貌。此外,美國次貸風暴的影響擴及全球,產生的效應使原為華爾街金融五大巨頭的美林(Merrill Lynch)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)、雷曼兄弟 (Lehman Brothers) 與貝爾斯登 (Bear Stearns),在歷經2007年的次貸風暴後,2008年3月全美第5大銀行貝爾斯登被摩根大通收購; 2008年9月15日雷曼兄弟宣告破產。造成華爾街五大巨頭僅存摩根士丹利以及高盛集團,美國層出不窮的金融風暴不斷重創美國經濟,並且延燒至世界各國。同一時間,全球股市大幅下跌,各國經濟衰退,造成投資人前所未有的恐慌。因為亞洲金融危機以及美國金融風暴的教訓,各國紛紛提出一連串的金融改革,以提高競爭力、增加經營效率與績效,藉此穩定金融產業以進一步應付競爭激烈的環境。因此,深入探討金融產業經營績效之決定與影響因素具有其價值與必要性。   近年來新興市場嶄露頭角,在全球地位日趨重要,三大新興市場:拉丁美洲、東歐與亞洲,其中以亞洲新興市場最被看好,也備受討論。過去常見的銀行績效文獻多以單一國家為研究主題,跨國的研究則以拉丁美洲、歐洲與經濟轉型國家為主,如Fries et al. (2002) 、Grigorian and Manole (2002) 、Bonin et al. (2004) 與Koutsomanoli-Filippaki et al. (2008) 等,針對亞洲新興市場國家探討的文獻並不多見。因此,本研究針對亞洲七國新興市場國家,分別為台灣、印度、印尼、南韓、馬來西亞、菲律賓與巴基斯坦為研究對象,建構1991-2005年,共367家商業銀行的企業別平衡型縱橫資料 (firm-level balanced panel data),進一步探討亞洲新興市場各國金融市場銀行經營績效之影響因素。此外,除財務變數外,本研究納入非財務變數,如:市場佔有率、外資參與與競爭程度,並納入過去文獻鮮少探討的信用評等與風險變數。過去學者在進行銀行績效研究時,多預設銀行產業的競爭環境,如陳永琦 (2007) 假設台灣金融產業為不完全競爭市場,以此推估本國銀行之成本函數。然而運用主觀的方式設定競爭環境並不嚴謹,本研究則利用Panzar-Rosse (1987) 所提出的P-R模型計算H值,進而判斷各國金融業的競爭環境,在客觀的衡量標準下建構完整的分析。由於金融業的經營深受景氣榮枯的影響,為使銀行經營績效的探討更具備完整性,亦加入總體環境變數之考量。相較於過去的研究,本研究具備更完整的研究期間與更詳盡的變數及樣本資料,並進一步選擇最適panel data模型進行實證分析,期提供相關資訊予政府機關、金融機構及投資大眾決策擬定,以及後續研究者學術研究之參考。   實證結果發現,在亞洲新興市場七個國家中,利差 (Spread)、股東權益報酬率 (ROE) 與資產報酬率 (ROA) 模式中影響銀行績效決定因素最重要的變數分別為流動性 (Liquidity) 、自有資本比率 (Equity) 與銀行風險變數 (Risk) 。其中,流動性 (Liquidity) 與自有資本比率 (Equity) 為正向影響,銀行風險變數 (Risk) 為負向影響。


With the trend of globalization, opening of financial markets, competition of foreign banks, acquisition and innovation, that brings about different features in financial industry. In addition, the US subprime mortgage crisis has evolved into a global financial tsunami, which generates the impact of the top five winners (Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Bear Stearns). After the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007, March 2008 the nation''s No. 5 bank, Bear Stearns is merged by JP Morgan Chase; September 15, 2008 Lehman Brothers declares bankruptcy. Five giant Wall Street only remains Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group. Financial crisis hits the U.S. economy continuously and spreads to countries around the world. At the same time, global stock markets fell sharply, bringing economic recession, and causing scare of investors. Because getting some lessons from Asian and American financial crisis, many countries had reformed to stabilize financial industry. Therefore, the investigation of the determinants of performance and measurement of banking performance would be worthy by further researching. In recent years, the emerging market especially the Asian is the most import and discussed market. The past literatures most detect single country, the studies of cross country focus on country of Latin America and Europe, for example Fries et al. (2002), Grigorian and Manole (2002), Bonin et al. (2004) and Koutsomanoli-Filippaki et al. (2008). Therefore, this paper constructs 1991-2005 financial industry firm-level panel data of Asian emerging market countries for further explore the determinants of bank performance. Besides, except financial variables, this paper considers the credit rating and risk variables, that rare used by former researches. Apart from the differences in samples, the most difference from previous literatures is that this paper follows Panzar-Rosse (1987) and considers the best indicators of competitiveness, namely the H value of P-R model to measure the banking market and competitive conditions. Compared with Peria and Mody (2004), this study with a more complete, detailed of the banks, and financial information and we select the optimal model for further empirical analysis. We hope the empirical results would provide some valuable information for government, firms, investors and the further study. Empirical results show that in seven countries of Asian emerging market, the determinants of bank performance in Spread、ROE and ROA models are Liquidity、Equity and Risk. Liquidity and Equity have the positive effects, but Risk is negative effects.


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