  • 學位論文

芳香療法課程介入對銀髮族自覺健康狀況影響之研究 -以台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族為例

The Research on the Influence of Aroma Treatment on the Senior Citizens’ Self -Conscious Health -Illustrate with the Senior Citizens in Community Concerned Lots in South District in Taichung City

指導教授 : 李素箱


本研究旨在探討芳香療法課程介入對銀髮族自覺健康狀況影響研究,以台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族為研究對象。採問卷調查為資料收集之工具,有效問卷共120份,有效率回收率達85.71%。所得資料經獨立t 檢定、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、成對(相依)樣本t檢定後得如下結果: 一、台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族以「女性」、身體質量指數(BMI)主要分布在「18.5-24」之間、年齡主要分佈在「65歲-68歲」、教育以「國中」、婚姻以「配偶健在」、職業以「服務業」、每月所得以「無收入」、可自由支配金額以「20,001 元以上」等項居多數。另外銀髮族自覺健康狀況以「社會功能」較高,其次「生理功能」和「心理功能」。 二、台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點不同社經背景之銀髮族,其自覺健康狀況,除了性別的「生理功能」、「社會功能」及可自由支配金額 的「生理功能」等項具有顯著差異外,其餘項目均不具顯著差異。 三、芳香療法課程的介入後對社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族之健康狀況均達顯著差異;其中在「心理功能」方面的「我感到容易緊張」;「生理功能」方面的「我感覺肩頸僵硬跟酸痛」及「社會功能」方面的「我會考慮到據點服務他人」等項改善最明顯。研究結果發現台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點女性及年齡較低的銀髮族,在經過8週的芳香療法課程介入後,其自覺健康方面的效益,都較其它族群顯著。 根據研究結果提出相關建議,以供社區照顧關懷據點及未來研究者之參考,亦可作為政府規劃銀髮族相關政策及施政之依據。


The goal of this research is to investigate the influence of the aroma treatment on the senior citizens’ self-conscious health. The objects of this research are the senior citizens in the community concerned lots in the South District in Taichung City. We use questionnaires to collect information. There are 120 questionnaires are effective. The effective recycled rate is 85.71%. After being tested by individual t, ANOVA, and pairs of samples t, the result of the information is listed below: 1. Most of the senior citizens in the community concerned lots in the South District in Taichung City are women. Their BMIs are from 18.5 to 24. Their ages are from 65 to 68 years old. Their education is junior high school. Their husbands are alive. Their career is the service industry. They have no income every month. Their deposit is over 20,001dollars. According to the senior citizens’ self-conscious health, the higher scores are the social function, the physical function, and the mental function. 2. Except the difference in the physical function, the social function in gender, and the physical function in deposit, there is no obvious difference in BMI, the age, the education, the marriage, the career, the income and the source of income. 3. There are differences in the senior citizens’ health after they accept aroma treatment. The biggest improvement in the mental function is nervousness. The improvements in the physical function are to reduce shoulder stiffness and soreness. The obvious improvement in the social function is how the community concerned lots help people. After they accept aroma treatment, the benefit in woman and younger senior citizens’ self-conscious health is better than other senior citizens. This research is for the community concerned lots and other investigators to consult. When the government designs and practices some policy about the senior citizens, this research also helps.


行政院衛生署(2002)。台灣地區老人營養健康狀況調查 1999-2000調查結果:行政院。


