  • 學位論文


Anaerobic Co-digestion of Organic Fraction of MSW and MSWI Ashes

指導教授 : 羅煌木


中文摘要 本研究探討底灰、飛灰與土壤不同比例添加有機固體廢棄物共同厭氧消化情形。厭氧反應槽使用30公分高、底部邊長15*15公分的四角透明柱體容器,實驗設定五組條件 (底灰、飛灰、土壤、底灰+土壤、飛灰+土壤)加上2個空白組,共22組。將22個管柱厭氧生物反應槽置於35℃之溫控箱中,以觀察垃圾分解之情形。每天記錄每個反應槽之產氣量,每週取出80 mL滲出液過濾後,分析其pH、氧化還原電位、導電度、鹽度。每月並分析總固體物、揮發固體物、化學需氧量與金屬含量等。研究結果顯示,土壤添加,尤其是1500 g/L組,可促進微生物活性,提昇沼氣產量。飛灰添加組40與60 g/L組和控制組比較亦有提昇沼氣產量潛勢。飛灰添加組100 g/L以上,則會抑制有機廢棄物分解,造成沼氣產量減少。底灰添加組1000 g/L,實驗結果發現亦有促進沼氣提昇現象。厭氧參數中化學需氧量與揮發固體物,隨沼氣量增加而減少。實驗過程約21週,累加沼氣產氣量大小依序為土壤1500 g/L>底灰1000 g/L >飛灰60 g/L>飛灰40 g/L>控制組。灰燼添加有機廢棄物共同厭氧消化,沼氣產量之促進或抑制,除基本厭氧參數外,與灰燼於有機廢棄物之金屬溶出量有關,適量金屬濃度可促進有機廢棄物分解與沼氣量提昇,相反地,臨界濃度可能抑制有機廢棄物分解與降低沼氣量。


抑制 促進 金屬 沼氣 厭氧消化 灰燼


Abstract This study aims at investigating the effects of different dosed ratios of bottom ash (BA), fly ash (FA) and soil on their anaerobic co-digestion with MSW in anaerobic bioreactors. Anaerobic bioreactors were 30 cm height and 15 cm square of bottom area. Anaerobic bioreactors of 22 sets (BA and MSW, FA and MSW, Soil and MSW, BA and soil and MSW, FA and soil and MSW and two controls) were employed for the experiment. One liter of MSW was placed on the bottom of the anaerobic reactors. Then, 0.6 liter of anaerobic sludge seeding was placed on it. Then, the designated MSWI BA, MSW FA and soil were placed on the anaerobic sludge seeding. This arrangement accounted for one layer and four layer of placement were used to conduct the experiment. Anaerobic bioreactors were maintained at 35℃ suitable for anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic parameters such as biogas, pH, ORP, EC, alkalinity, volatile acids, COD, TS, VS and metals were measured daily, weekly or monthly. Results showed that soil addition, particularly 1500 g/L, could enhance bacterial activity and biogas production. FA/MSW of 40 and 60 g/L could improve the MSW biodegradation and biogas production. FA dose higher 100 g/L was found to inhibit the MSW biodegradation and biogas production. BA/MSW dose of 1000 g/L showed to have the biogas enhancement potential. Results showed that biogas production was found to be beneficial in soil 1500 g/L, MSWI FA 60 g/L, MSWI FA 40 g/L, control, and MSWI BA 1000 g/L bioreactors. The biogas production was found to be in the order of soil 1500 g/L > MSWI BA 1000 g/L > MSWI FA 60 g/L > MSWI FA 40 g/L > control. Except anaerobic parameters, biogas production stimulation or inhibition was thought to be related to the released metals levels beneficial or detrimental to the anaerobic community resulting to the various MSW biodegradation and biogas production.


Anaerobic digestion Inhibition Stimulation Metals Ash Biogas


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