  • 學位論文


The Study of Mobile Banking Payment System and Electronic Check

指導教授 : 楊伏夷


隨著網際網路的普及化,人們可藉由現今網路系統所帶來的便利性,在網路上進行各種交易,因此電子商務在網路使用者的生活中,儼然是不可或缺的一環。在這其中,電子現金與電子支票系統在近年來更是受到社會大眾的青睞,主要在於使用者不需再攜帶大量現金才能交易,只需透過網際網路即可完成各種交易及買賣。 本論文中,我們設計一個新穎的行動銀行付費系統,有別於一般電子現金系統的概念,此系統將消費扣款模式建立於銀行帳戶之上,利用消費者帳戶中的存款來扣除交易金額,以節省消費者兌換電子現金的時間以及減少銀行的計算量,並且不會發生剩下餘額沒消費完,所帶來呆滯餘額的問題。 另一方面,在商業交易環境中,由於資金往來需要高額消費或指定付款日期,因此電子支票隨之因應而生。然而現今的電子支票系統,並不是十分的完善且有效率。在本研究中,我們所設計電子支票系統,交易金額不需預先設定上限,並且每筆電子支票皆可附加兌現日期,除此之外,我們也提供電子支票簿的功能,使得電子支票的使用介面更加地符合傳統紙本支票,讓付款者使用上較為方便且更加彈性。 而在協定執行效率上,我們設計的行動銀行付費系統與電子支票系統,皆使用後門赫序函數運算技術,來降低傳統數位簽章的模指數運算與大量的雜湊運算,與以前幾位學者的方案相較之下,我們的系統擁有更好的線上執行效率,讓此系統可更加地符合使用者的行動裝置之中,方便行動購物與消費。


With the popularization of the Internet, various transactions may now be conducted online, and accordingly, e-commerce has increasingly integral to consumer behavior. Mainly due to the convenience they bring to users, electronic cash and electronic check systems have also become widely accepted by the public. In conducting transactions, buyers no longer must carry large amounts of cash, instead completing them over the Internet. For this paper, we design a new mobile banking payment system. Unlike electronic cash systems, this system establishes a consumption charging system on bank accounts, obtaining payment directly from consumer deposit accounts. This process simplifies the transactions by eliminating money-to-electronic cash conversion requirements while minimizing calculations performed by the bank. In addition, excess funds from leftover balances in electronic cash accounts may be eliminated. Electronic checks, on the other hand, were developed to conduct large transactions and dealings that specify payment date. However, existing electronic check systems are neither perfect nor efficient. In this study, we designed an electronic check system which did not impose a prerequisite limit on transactions and allowed the user to specify the check conversion date. Furthermore, we offered electronic checkbook functionalities similar to traditional paper-based checks, allowing users to conduct transactions in a more convenient and flexible manner. Regarding implementation, the mobile banking payment system and electronic check system that we designed incorporated the backdoor hash function computing technology to reduce modular exponentiation and hash operations required for traditional and digital signatures. Compared to previous studies, our system has better online efficiency, allowing more compatibility with mobile devices and facilitating mobile shopping and consumption.


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