  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Communities Sharing Content

指導教授 : 薛夙珍


Internet提供了虛擬社群分享資訊與討論議題的虛擬空間,讓人們透過社交活動分享彼此的生活資訊,形成了黏著性高的社群網路(Social Network),也因行動裝置的普及而進入行動社群蓬勃發展的時代。行動社群的形成,解決了在有線環境下難以即時找到同好分享資訊的問題。然而,社群分享平台上的使用者經常因為疏忽或使用不當,而將數位內容進行非法的複製和轉傳,造成讓不法的使用者有機會在未支付任何費用的情況下,取得未經合法授權的數位內容。 因此,本研究以行動社群為研究範疇,設計行動社群分享服務機制,讓行動用戶能即時找尋具有相同嗜好的同伴,並且安全而放心地在行動社群平台上分享與交換經驗或知識,也能保障所有社群成員在溝通時的隱私與安全。此外,為了提高行動社群成員願意以合法的方式分享彼此所擁有的資源,本論文亦提出一個以具容錯與轉傳特性的P2P (Peer-to-Peer)環境為基礎之行動市集分享服務協定。協定中結合了層級式付款與數位權利管理(Digital Rights Management,DRM)技術,讓行動社群成員間能分享散播所擁有的資訊,並取得所需的數位內容。希望所提出的協定,能進一步提昇行動加值服務的品質。


The Internet provides virtual space for information sharing and discussion groups so that virtual communities are created. These social networking services allow people to virtually interact; consequently, these social networks are more adhesive than ever before. The prevalence of mobile devices further evolve virtual communities into mobile communities, which resolve the problem of finding peers for real-time information sharing in the wired Internet. However, improper or incautious use of the community users may illegally duplicate and transfer some valuable digital contents so that unauthorized users may access the rights-protected contents without any fee. This study develops a sharing mechanism for mobile communities. The mechanism enables mobile users to seek the party of the same hobby in real-time, share information or exchange knowledge in the mobile platform securely, and secure the privacy of all community members during communications. In addition, to promote the willingness of legally sharing resources among community members, a fault-tolerant and transferrable protocol for mobile market service sharing in a peer-to-peer (P2P) environment is proposed. The protocol integrates cascaded mobile payments and digital rights managements (DRM) technology to allow community members to share and disseminate information and request desired digital contents. The protocol aims to increase the quality of added-value of mobile services.


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